Green Key @ Collis 2024

This year's event!

The Green Key @ Collis  (GK@C) Coordinating Committee is very excited for this year's musical line up as well as the free food and activities throughout Friday, May 17th-Saturday, May 18th. Enjoy the music festival vibes all throughout the weekend @ Collis!

Check out the line up of visiting artists and student bands!

Free food and snacks at GK@C - Find out all we will have here!

Giveaways, DIY merch, and more! See everything else that is  happening. 

This year's schedule:

Friday, May 17th

4:00pm: BOOTH

5:00pm: The Stripers

5:50pm: Exit 13

Saturday, May 18th

4:00pm: Chance Emerson

5:30pm: Bermuda Search Party

7:00pm: TOLEDO

8:30pm: Pacific Avenue

10:00pm: What the Folk?!

See the free food & activities pages for those schedules!

If you are looking for information about the Programming Board's Friday night concert featuring SHAGGY with Young M.A, please continue to their page here.