Hello, dearest graduate student

First of all, welcome!

Dartmouth's Department of Physics & Astronomy is lucky and happy to have you here, especially your fellow graduate students 😁 We put together this site as an overview of some things to help you navigate grad life in our department. If you can't find something you need help with, feel free to reach out to the P&A Graduate Student Assembly Chair (currently Keighley Rockcliffe, aka your local astro redhead).

(this page was last updated on 09/14/2023, if it's been a while, please hound a current graduate student, we are generally friendly but also a tad busy and forgetful at times)

P&A = PandA = because we cute

Graduate Student Information

Department Information

General Advice

Got some general advice to share with future grads? Let the Graduate Student Assembly Chair know and we'll update the list.

Links to helpful resources/contacts

The GSC handbook has general information (e.g., important campus buildings, food options, childcare, etc) for all students within the Guarini School umbrella. Their Resource Guide has helpful information on Dartmouth reporting mechanisms, health & wellness resources, safety, Title IX, writing help, and more.

Housing & Transportation

Dartmouth now has an Ombuds Office, which acts as an independent and confidential form of support for graduate students and employees of the college.

Interested in joining a club? Check these out: https://gsc.dartmouth.edu/active-organizations.

Regular-ish community events & groups 🎉

The department hosts somewhat regular events. Most of the time you will find them out via email from Tressy or Meg! But here are some things to look forward to:

More news & events can be seen here: https://physics.dartmouth.edu/news-events.

And here are some fun and cute photos of department pets!