Spanish 1 CP

Spanish 2 CP

Spanish 3 Honors

Spanish IB SL 1

Spanish IB SL 2

Spanish Club

Angel Moronta

Native speaker of Spanish from Venezuela.

M.Ed. in TEFL - Neurolanguage Coach®

Author: Cuentos para el Encuentro

World Languages Department

¡Bienvenidos a la página web de las clases de Español en Hartsville High!

Welcome to a new school year!

I have been teaching for 14 years, and I have been a Hartsville High School Red Fox since 2016. I've taught Spanish and English as Foreign languages in Venezuela, my country of origin, and Spanish 1, 2 and 3 Honors as a world languages teacher here at HHS.

Contact information:

School Telephone: 843-857-3764


Planning: Block 3 (12:30 pm - 2:00 pm)

Tutoring and Conference Availability: 3:30 pm to 4:00 pm

Remind codes:

Spanish 1 - Semester 1 - @ foxes1hhs

Spanish 3 H - Semester 1 - @foxes3hhs

Spanish IB SL Year 1 - @foxesib1

Spanish IB SL Year 2 - @foxesib2


Spanish 2 - @foxes2s2

Spanish 3 - @foxes2s3