
Raw Offensive Cybersecurity


DarkCell provides specialized cybersecurity services, underpinned by an offensive security orientation. We provide pragmatic and field-proven approaches and capabilities that our clients can immediately use to improve their security posture.  For about two decades, our team’s main focus has been breaking into networks and softwares, as well as helping highly targeted clients against such attacks.  Today, we leverage this extensive experience to enrich our consulting services.

Having a small and agile team of experts, we are able to tailor our deliverables to meet the specific needs of our clients and their individual threat models. This approach sets us apart from the standard, one-size-fits-all canned consulting services typically offered by other firms.


Adversary Simulation

In engagements more  known as red-teaming, we will attempt to compromise your systems  and gain access to sensitive assets, by any and all means necessary. You will learn how your company and network withstands against our attempts  and responds to real-world threat actors. We use cutting-edge research and advanced tools and capabilities on par with real threat-actors to get the job done.  

Source Code Review

One of the most effective ways to learn about potential vulnerabilities in your systems.  Let our team carefully and thoroughly audit your source codes using static and dynamic analysis approaches to uncover potential vulnerabilities that might compromise your data or systems. Where necessary, we develop custom queries for variant analysis, or assess your exposure to potential supply chain attacks and vulnerabilities through external dependencies in your code.

Application Security Assessment

Whether you have developed your mission critical application  in-house or inherited and customized a third-party or commercial solution, we will tear it apart and look under the hood to uncover and exploit potential vulnerabilities in it. This can be desktop, mobile or web application, and with or without access to the source code. We combine the latest tools and technologies with two decades of manual and hands-on experience, to get the most out of often limited engagement times. 

Product Security Assesment

Have you developed a new SaaS, product or about to acquire one from a third-party and need to go through due diligence and assess its security posture? We will look at your product, with or without source code (meeting your limitations), from the viewpoint of a security researcher or threat-actor  that wants to find and exploit bugs in it, helping you resolve potential issues before shipping your product. Our team members have previously audited and uncovered security issues in some of the most well-known vendors and SaaS products.

Network Security Assesment

Whether exposed over the internet or part of a corporate network, wireless or segmented, air-gapped or tightly firewalled, our team can help you assess the security and attack surface of your network. This is basically a penetration test against any and all exposed services and applications within the network. 

Cloud Native Security Assessment

Are you relying on could native technologies to deploy and run your business or application? We can help you audit your environment against latest best-practices, perform penetration tests or threat modeling focused on cloud or container based environments.

Threat Modeling

Considering potential risks, attack vectors and their impacts on a software, service or product should be part of the development process and a parallel effort, rather than a finishing touch. Our team can help you evaluate potential threats, attack scenarios and their practical and theoretical impact against the system and your business, as part of our Threat Modeling service. 

Vulnerability Research

Outsource your vulnerability research to our team to document the process and find 0day vulnerabilities in given technology, application, appliance or SaaS. This often combines different approaches such as reverse-engineering, fuzzing, static and dynamic analysis of products. Our clients often go for this option when the long-term goal is to uncover vulnerabilities and attack vectors or develop security testing methodologies for a given product or service and share the results with vendors in the process ,or not.

Training Workshops

Tap into our pool of experience through our training services. We provide training services in forms of seminars, classes or workshops on topics ranging from offensive security, security assessment and auditing to security awareness. Whether you want to help your employees to learn about potential security threats,  your developer become familiar with common attack vectors and bug classes or you want to expand the expertise of yourself and your team as security professionals, we might have something to offer you.

Specialized Capabilities

The Government and Law Enforcement sector often have requirements for capabilities and services that might exceed their existing resources or in-house capabilities. Our portfolio allows  selective and exclusive terms, with the possibility to tailor capabilities based on priority demands and missions. 

On Demand Security Consultation

Does your company require occasional or recurring security consultation, but not to an extent that would justify hiring full-time security staff or independent contractors for larger projects? Our On-Demand consultation service allows you to have a principal level consultant on retainer. You will be billed based on flexible plans and the fixed number of days per week or month you require. This is often notably cheaper than hiring full-time, as you will not be paying for PTO, bench time or other (often expensive) employment benefits for a full-time employee.

 Contact us at info@darkcell.se