Fitch Academy

Darien Public Schools

Fitch Academy is a program of Darien High School.

Our mission is to meet the unique educational, social, and emotional needs of our students in a safe and nurturing environment. Fitch Academy students meet the graduation requirements of Darien High School and receive a DHS diploma upon graduation.

Small Classes

Our average class size is 6 students.


We foster a sense of community and caring among our students and staff. 


We believe in the importance of social emotional learning for all students.

The goal of Fitch Academy is to provide a more individualized learning experience for students that prepares them for their post-high school goals.

2019 Field Trip to the 9/11 Museum in NYC

Our Staff

Lesley Anderson

School Nurse

Zack Crawford

Art Teacher

Steve Balazs

History Teacher 

Becky Hendrickson

Special Education Teacher

Taylor Kurtz

School Psychologist

Matt Pavia

Lead Teacher & 

English/History Teacher

Penka Petkova

Math & Physics Teacher

Michelle Wisniewski

Science Teacher


Fitch Academy

6 Thorndal Circle 

We are located adjacent to the Darien Public Library and just behind Nielsen's Florist. 

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