Job Title: English Key Stage Coordinator
Line Manager: Head of Faculty
Pay Range: MPS/UPS (Fringe Area), plus TLR2b (£5,831)
Permanent, Full-time
Start Date: September 2025
Core Purpose
To provide leadership and direction for Key Stage (Key Stage to be confirmed) within the English faculty and ensure that it is managed and organised to meet the aims and objectives of the school.
Main duties and responsibilities
To be responsible for securing high standards of teaching and learning through curriculum development and continual pedagogical innovation, resulting in student performance matching or exceeding school expectations. To play a role to quality-assure the implementation of school policy and practice and to be responsible, like all other staff, for safeguarding and promoting the welfare of students
Lead and line manage staff on matters pertaining to Key Stage
Provide the Head of Faculty with relevant student performance information as part of the faculty’s self- evaluation cycle
Contribute to quality assurance programmes within the faculty, such as lesson observations, learning walks, work scrutiny and student conversation
In collaboration with the Head of Faculty, identify and implement strategies to address improvement needs
Strategic Direction
Overview and evaluate performance at Key Stage in discussion with the Head of Faculty and teaching staff and provide future targets based on such evaluation and discussion
Ensure short, medium and long term plans are established for the development and resourcing of Key Stage which contribute to whole-school aims, policies and practices and identify realistic targets for the development of the department
Manage change effectively, deploying staff and resources to maximise curriculum outcomes
Implement policies and practices within Key Stage which reflect whole school and faculty aims and objectives
Create a climate which enables other staff to develop and maintain positive attitudes towards their subject and teaching it
Demonstrate both enthusiasm and high standards of teaching to members of the faculty and to students
Teaching and Learning
Establish the curriculum intent and expectations for implementation at Key Stage
Ensure effective curriculum coverage, sequencing, continuity and progression in the subject areas for all students by all members of the department
Ensure that teachers are clear about the end points of teaching modules and how lesson sequencing will support knowledge acquisition
Ensure the development of students' literacy, numeracy and ICT skills and SMSC knowledge through the department’s curriculum intent and implementation
Follow faculty policies for assessing, recording and reporting on student achievement, using feedback to set targets for further improvement within the department
Establish high expectations and ensure that clear targets are set for student achievement including for those with special educational needs, pupil premium status and the most able
In conjunction with teachers regularly monitor the progress of all students, using data effectively to identify students who are underachieving, creating plans of action where necessary to support recovery. This includes a provision plan for students transitioning to the school below age-related expectations
Establish a partnership with parents to involve them in their child's learning and develop links with the local community and relevant organisations to support the department’s curriculum intent and implementation
Instigate, monitor and evaluate intervention strategies where appropriate
Identify and nurture opportunities for students to engage beyond the taught curriculum through extra-curricular activities and educational visits
Leading and Managing Staff
Provide opportunities for staff development and enrichment through the appropriate allocation of tasks and membership of whole school working parties
Help staff to achieve constructive working relationships with students and colleagues based on clear expectations
Oversee the appraisal of faculty staff as required by Trust policy, identifying staff needs with regard to Continuing Professional Development and Learning (CPDL)
Support the Head of Faculty in ensuring that all new teachers are appropriately trained, monitored, supported, assessed and effectively inducted into the faculty
Encourage staff to discuss developing ideas in their subject and foster an atmosphere of discovery to enhance their perception of the subject
Efficient and Effective Deployment of Staff and Resources
Identify timetabling, staff and resource needs for Key Stage and inform the Head of Faculty of likely priorities for expenditure in close connection with school policies and subject development plans
Ensure the effective and efficient management and organisation of learning resources including ICT
Use accommodation to create an effective and stimulating learning environment in which health and safety risks are properly assessed
Maintain effective control for allocated capitation for Key Stage
Our Vision
At the Danes Educational Trust we are committed to ‘Making the Difference Together’ sharing best practice and supporting each other to be the very best we can be.
Core Values
The post holder is expected to share our commitment to our core values:
We value joy in working, teaching and learning together
We encourage everyone within our Trust to feel optimistic about the future and how they can shape it
We support all individuals in developing resilience to enable them to respond to change and grow as a result
We value and support the wellbeing of all individuals who learn and work in our schools
We provide equality of opportunity and experience for all
We provide a safe and secure learning environment for all
The post holder is required to be aware of and comply with policies and procedures relating to child protection; health and safety; confidentiality; and data protection and report all concerns to an appropriate person.
We are committed to safeguarding and protecting the welfare of children and expect all staff and volunteers to share this commitment. A Disclosure and Barring Service Certificate will be required for all posts.
Additional Information
All staff are required to participate in training and other learning activities and in performance management and development as required by the Trust’s policies and practices.
This job description is a guide to the duties the post holder will be expected to undertake. It is not intended to be exhaustive or exclusive and will be subject to change as working requirements dictate and to meet the organisational requirements of the Trust.
Supervision/Job Context
The post holder is managed by the Head of English Faculty.
The post holder will work with all members of teaching staff within their faculty and teaching staff from other faculties. They will also work with Senior Leadership Team members, the SENCO, Learning Support Assistants, and non-teaching staff. They will have contact with students, parents, governors, and may have contact with advisors and other visitors to the school.
Headteacher :
Mr Andy Harris
Baldwins Lane, Rickmansworth
Hertfordshire, WD3 3LR
☎ 01923284169