Pricing & Warranty

 Contact us for a free estimate or we can provide a detailed quote after visiting your site.

There are a number of factors that can affect the cost of the project.  

Some of these include:

We look at the condition of the surfaces and determine the level of preparation required, for example; is there any exposed asbestos or lead paint that will need special treatment.

2.  Surface material

Is the material weatherboard, VJ walls, stucco, brick veneer, masonry, or rendered surface?

3.  State of the surface 

Is it a re-paint, a dramatic colour change, or a new coating?

4.  Accessibility 

Is the house on a slope, low-set, high-rise? Are the rooms furnished that require moving? Are the gardens and pools an obstruction to access the exterior walls?

Price is not everything !

Painting is a type of service that you don't want to cut corners on by going with the absolute cheapest quote you find - it may potentially end up costing you a lot more. 

If you choose a contractor that offers all the warranties and have good work practices in place, you'll have the peace of mind knowing you won't have to revisit the paintwork for many years to come. 

DANE will provide the product specification and warranty when quoting your project. This will ensure you know your project's specifications and rest in the knowledge that DANE has your paint job covered.

Understand the types of warranties

In the painting industry, there are two types of warranties:  the paint warranty and the workmanship warranty.  

These two warranties exists to protect your investment by undertaking promises on the quality, state, condition, durability and the painting products and their application. The paint warranty covers the coatings for your project, and the workmanship warranty covers the labour undertaken by your painting professional.

DANE offers warranties of a variety of durations depending on the client's project, with a minimum of 1-year, including  (if any) paint manufacturer's product warranty.