Instructions for Students Leaving Danbury Public Schools

Are You a Student Leaving the District?

1. Complete a Google Takeout (AIS K - 5) - can be done at home by logging into student's Google Apps for Education account. Students know their account login - it is their 4 letters, their 4 numbers then add Password is catdog15 for grades K, 1 and 2; student's 10 digit password for grades 3, 4 and 5. (If student is not sure of his/her login, email Mrs. Alterio at or the classroom teacher).

Complete a Google Takeout Grades K-5

2. Download your Google Drive.

Download Google Drive after Takeout

**If you have a Chromebook, you will NOT be able to download your Drive directly to your Chromebook. You will need to move all files to an external drive. **

You will no longer have access to your Danbury Google account and the files will be deleted in August.