6th grade resources

Video to guide you through this site.

6th grade resources

What you will learn in the 6th grade.

Look at videos at the bottom of this page to watch how all of these things are going to look like in 6th grade.


Watch the Videos and navigate through this site. The activities and games on this site will help you fight the curve of Forgetfulness during summer.

The tasks in this feature help you to reason and think mathematically.

Click the image on the left to take you to your Thinglink game board. Click on the letters and the red squares (hot spots) to access challenge problems. Start with the letter A hotspot and continue clicking on the red circle hotspots until you get to the letter D hotspot.

Place Value Gameboard

HyperDoc on Decimals and Fractions. You will be tested on this the first week back to Dana

6th grade decimal operations

Video Series from Khan Academy and Learnzillion. Want to get ahead. Follow the series of videos below to help you get acquainted with 6th grade.

Khan Academy has a series of videos that will walk you through the entire curriculum for your specific grade level. Follow the instructions on the slides to help you navigate the site.

LearnZillion also has a lot of friendly videos that will walk you through all of the standards for 6th, 7th, and 8th grade mathematics.