Grayling Foundation

Welcome to Grayling Foundation

We endeavour to update the class blog every Friday sharing with you all the exciting and wonderful things we have been learning about during the week. We hope this provides you with a great insight into your child's learning. 

Use the tabs in the top right hand side to view our weekly blog updates, a Phonics support page, a Maths support page and our Mindset Matters page.  

 Grayling  Foundation Teaching Team 

Miss Baker

Class Teacher 

Mrs Jackson

Class TA

Mrs Gossage

Class TA am 

Mr Stone 

Class TA pm

 What do we do in a week? 

Below you will see a simple version of our weekly timetable. We try and stick to the same timings and routines everyday so that the children know what is coming and it makes everything predictable for them. We will sometimes work off timetable if we have seasonal celebrations, visitors or trips but what you see below is generally what we cover in a week.