Copper Base
Welcome to the Copper Base Blog
Working hard to achieve our goals!!
Welcome to the Copper Base blog. Here you will find pictures of our work and our learning. Please check out the weekly stories tab to listen to the story and song of the week at home. You can share these stories at home with your families.
we worked as team to make a maze to climb under and over
it was a challenge but we did it
We have been enjoying the story 'We are going on a bear hunt' this week. We worked together to order the story.
Learn new language.
Plan and innovate our own stories by changing the character
We also changed the places in the story.
Happy New Year
Welcome back to 2025!! We have made a great strt back this week. We have begun with reading the story - we are going on bear hunt' to kick start our story theme all about journeys. We have enjoyed going on our own hunts today.
Merry christmas and a happy new year
Well done Copper Base for a fantatstic term. You have all worked so hard. Have a lovely holiday and we will see you back in school on Tuesday 7th January 2025!
Happy Holidays!!!
We had great fun at the Christmas cafe!!!
Making christmas cupcakes for our christmas cafe.
We stirred the cupcakes
We mixed the ingredients
We scooped the mixture into cases
12.12.24 - What silly glasses!!! We have been having fun trying these silly Christmas gasses and making each other laugh this week.
A visit to the secret Shop
We all got to visit and choose our gifts for our families. It was great fun!
Fun was had by all
W.b - 2.12.24 - we have been reading the story 'Penguin' by Polly Dunbar. The penguin finds it very hard to talk untill something silly happens...
Here we have worked together to sequence the story.
This week we are enjoying a story called 'Also an Octopus'. It is about making a story up using our own imagination. We have been learning the story using a story map to help us.
Following the story plan.
Using the book to follow the story plan.
Checking the story on the board and then matching it to the story plan.
Using a story counter to follow the story plan.
We have been enjoying following this weeks story on a story map. We were able to see what was going to happen next.
21.11.24 - Fun in the snow at school. We have really enjoyed the snow today.
Here are the title covers of our fantastic books we have made using ideas and vocabulary learnt through the 'Oi....' series of books. See the weekly stories tab for a look at the stories we have been listening to.
15.11.24 - We have been rhyming this week. With have been matching words that sound the same and sound different and we have played different rhyming games. We have written our own rhyming stories which we are really proud of and will be published in our school library.
8.11.24 - lots of interesting and fun maths going on this week. We are working really hard to add and subtract numbers in different ways.
Oi frog!
We have been working on the story Oi Frog this week. There are many differnt funny rhyming pairs where we have been matching animasl to what they sit on - did you know that lions sit on irons and parrots sit on carrots!!
Westminster Abbey
We have been busy building the abbey in the Copper Base. We used our own initiative and we worked together.
24.10.24 - We have been learning how to play a ukulele this week.
7.10.24 - We have been practicing our writing skills this week.
7.10.24 - Look out some of our autumn craft!! We have been enjoying getting messy in the exploration room this week.
This member of Copper Base has been practicing some writing from thier reading book at home. They showed it in show and tell this morning. Great work.
30.9.24 - Marvelous maths is happening here in the Copper Base. We are using numicon to help us work out 1 less/more and 10 less/10 more. We are starting to notice a pattern.
23.9.24 - We have been enjoying our show and tell sessions. We all take turns to listen to each other and we are learning to ask easch other questions about what we have brought in. Here are some of things we have been showing this week.
We have been having fun trying to balance on the large ball. We are trying to hold our whole body up by lifting our arms and legs. It was great fun!
16.9.24 - Look at some of our amazing writing!! We have been working hard on making a vehicle alphabet book to publish in our school library.
16.9.24 - We have been ordering the alphabet this week. We have found a vechle that begins with evey letter and we have made an alaphabet book for the school library.
We have enjoyed leanring to listen and move. This week we sang and played with the shakey eggs.
We have been learning to create sentences about our vehicles. We have used the colourful semantics programme to help us create a super sentence.