Welcome to the Dallastown Area School District. By working together and keeping lines of communication open, your child will have a greater chance for success in school. This handbook has been prepared to help establish that close and important relationship between home and school. Please save this website to quickly locate the answers to the many questions that might arise throughout the school year. The staff and administration of the Dallastown Area School District hope that you will become an active and positive force as we all work together in the best interest of your child. 

academic grouping

Elementary students are assigned to classrooms within each grade level. Each classroom contains a wide range of student achievement levels. Teachers use a variety of instructional techniques that include individualized, small group, and whole group approaches. Assignments remediate, reinforce, and enrich the curriculum to help all children grow.

academic support process (asp)

The Academic Intervention Specialist (AIS) convenes this group of educators when a child experiences difficulty in school. Teachers and special services personnel evaluate student learning, prescribe educational activities or programs to assist the child, and monitor progress. Parents are notified when students are recommended to the team and are a necessary part of the team. 


Breakfast and lunch are served at the elementary buildings. School menus are available on the district website. Food delivered from a commercial establishment is not permitted without prior administrative approval. No carbonated beverages allowed in packed lunches.

car riders/walkers

Parent Transportation (Car Rider Protocol) 

Please send written communication to school informing officials of your intention of picking up your child at dismissal. It has been our experience that when a child has a note from home with specific dismissal instructions, it alleviates confusion, missed buses and in some cases, tears. For those that expect to pick up their child(ren) everyday, a specific note should be submitted to your child’s school principal. 

You may send written communication to the school office to have your child included on the parent pick-up list, but you must do so NO LATER than 2:00 PM. This will give the office time to notify your child and his or her teacher of your call and to include your child’s name on the pick-up list for the day. The pick-up list will be cross-referenced using the emergency card. Only those listed as an emergency contact will be permitted to pick up a child unless articulated differently in a note submitted by the parent/guardian. A finalized list will be distributed to personnel assigned to parent-pick up. 

Adults picking up a student must provide photo ID, if requested, and be on the parent/guardian-approved list in order for a release of a student to occur. Photo ID is required if the professional on duty is unable to identify you as the child’s parent/guardian. 

The protocol is set up to ensure each child is safely released to an authorized adult and to account for each child. It is our goal to make the atmosphere as calm and non-stressful as possible for both the students (who are waiting) and the parents/guardians (who are picking them up).


Students walking to school should use the sidewalks or walkways available as they go to and from school. Walkers will proceed directly to or from school unless written permission to do otherwise is received. These notes should be signed and sent to the elementary office. Parents should request bus and walking changes only in emergency situations. 

classroom assignments

Assigning students to classrooms for the new school year involves a process to ensure that classrooms are balanced academically and socially. Classrooms are created based on teachers’ experience with the children and their learning styles. Their input and insight are essential to the assignment process. 

classroom SNACKS & TREATS

Some buildings allow students to have snacks brought into school however, as several of our students have severe food allergies we must have clear guidelines. 

All treats for students must:

This means items like cakes, cupcakes, and donuts are not allowed and will not be handed out.  

Please contact your child's teacher in advance if you plan to bring a treat for your child's classroom.  

Snacks will be handed out during snack time or lunch.  

Please inform your child's homeroom teacher if you would not like your student to have snacks or would like to bring in alternatives for your student.

contact information for elementary buildings


105 South Charles Street

Dallastown, PA 17313 

Phone: (717) 244-3785


49 Indian Rock Dam Road

York, PA 17403

Phone: (717) 741-1826


169 North Main Street

York, PA 17403

Phone: (717) 428-2240


2620 Springwood Road

York, PA 17402

Phone: (717) 505-5051


2500 South Queen Street

York, PA 17402

Phone: (717) 741-2281




K-3 DASD Cyber Academy students are required to attend a minimum of 2 meetings/week and participate online a minimum of 300 minutes/week. Learning coaches are a necessity and are expected to assist K-3 cyber students. All submitted work should be the student's work.


K-3 DASD Cyber Academy students will be enrolled in Language Arts, Math, Science, and Social Studies.


Students are required to participate in all state and local school-mandated assessments including PSSA testing, DRA's, and the Acadience universal screener. Students and parents will be contacted by Dallastown Area Cyber Academy administration well in advance of any testing with the dates/times/locations of the testing sessions. All testing must occur on-site and in person. 

Click HERE to access the DASD Cyber Academy Website.

English Language Learners (K-3)

This federally funded Language Instruction Education Program (LIEP) provides services to children experiencing difficulty with the English Language. English Learners (EL) are assessed to determine if they qualify for this service. This service is provided at two of our elementary buildings – Ore Valley and York Township. Dallastown Elementary students who qualify are enrolled at Ore Valley Elementary. Loganville-Springfield and Leaders Heights students who qualify are enrolled at York Township Elementary.


Field trips are encouraged and offer an educational experience to enhance the curriculum being taught at each grade level. The district will determine the destinations and educational objectives to be met with each trip. Before each field trip, parents will be notified of the details and are required to complete a permission slip. Your child cannot participate in the field trip without a signed permission slip. 


Report Cards 

The elementary schools will operate on a trimester schedule. 

Students in grades kindergarten through three receive report cards after all three trimesters which can be found in Skyward. If you need a printed copy, please contact the office of your child's school.

School Counseling

Students having social, emotional, and behavioral difficulties may be referred to a school counselor. Individual or group sessions are available. Prior to joining these sessions, the counselor consults with teachers and parents. Parent referrals to outside agencies are made when necessary. 

health services (k-3 Specific)

At the elementary level, each health office is staffed by a certified school nurse and/or a health assistant. Any questions or concerns regarding a student’s physical health should be directed to the nurse. All students will have the following mandated screenings completed during the school year: height, weight, BMI, vision, and hearing. The PA Department of Health requires a physical examination for kindergarten and new entry students. Dental examinations are required for kindergarten and new entry students as well as third grade students. Proper immunization status is required for school attendance. Please have emergency contact numbers up to date to ensure efficient notification of parent/guardian in the event of a student emergency or illness. 


210. Medications

210.1. Possession/Administration of Asthma Inhalers/Epinephrine Auto-Injectors 

210.2. Accommodating Students With Diabetes

823. Naloxone  

Reading Support - Title I

This federally funded program provides remedial reading services to children experiencing difficulty with reading in the regular classroom. This service is provided to qualifying students in grades K-3. These services are provided individually or in small group settings.


8:00 AM Offices Open 

8:30 AM – 8:45 AM Students Arrive 

8:50 AM Opening Exercises & Announcements 

3:35 PM Students Dismissed 

4:30 PM Offices Closed 

school-wide testing

Your child will encounter a variety of teacher-made and commercially published tests throughout his/her educational career. Group testing is conducted to help assess each individual student's strengths, weaknesses, and rate of growth. Total results provide an analysis of instructional needs and trends within the whole student body. 



Instruction combines appreciation and knowledge of art history, artists, and art styles. Classes are hands-on, allowing students to experience art firsthand. Students may bring in old shirts for art class as they will be actively working with varied art media.


Instruction provides an opportunity for students to engage in activities related to Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics.


The music curriculum is varied and includes such activities as singing, listening, responding to rhythms, creating rhythms, and learning to read music notations.


Students in all grades may borrow books from the school library for one cycle week at a time. Overdue books will not have a late charge. Any book that is lost or damaged will have a replacement cost of $5 for paperback and $10 for hardback. If a student is absent the day a book is due, the books will automatically be renewed until the next library class.

Physical Education

Sneakers are required. Students should wear appropriate clothing for physical activities. A doctor’s note is required from a physician to be excused from gym class. 

teacher requests

Dallastown is committed to recruiting and securing quality teachers. Since all of our teachers are held to high standards to provide a secure, safe, and productive learning environment for students, your child will receive a high quality education. We do not honor parent requests for specific teachers for this reason. 

Technology (K-3 & k-8 specific)

Personal Electronic Devices - Students are not permitted to use cell phones or any other electronic devices from home (i.e. Smart Watches, Tablets) during the school day. These devices may not be used for student to student and/or student to parent communication. These devices may not be used to record (video and audio) conversations or lessons or to take pictures of self or others on school property (including the bus and bus stop). Students will be responsible for such devices, and they must be in their book bags turned off. The school will not be responsible for any devices which are lost, stolen, or vandalized. If electronic devices are used at inappropriate times (or for inappropriate uses as described above), if cell phones are used during the school day (including on bus and bus stop), or if a student’s cell phone rings during the school day, the electronic devices/cell phones will be confiscated and kept in the main office for parents to pick up.

Student Accounts on Web-based Tools (K-8)

Our school district provides its students with the most effective web-based tools and applications for learning. Many of these tools, like Study Island, KidBlog, and Moodle, for example, are not operated by the district, but by third parties. In order for our students to use third party services, certain student information might be requested by the service provider (typically a student name, password, user name, or email address). Under federal law entitled the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA), these websites and content providers must provide parental notification and obtain parental consent before collecting personal information from children under the age of 13. With parental permission, instead of every web site and online service contacting the parent personally, the law permits the school to act as the parent’s agent and can consent to the collection of this student information on the parent’s behalf. A complete list of the “Web-based Resources” with their privacy policies and terms of service can be found HERE.  This list is updated regularly and available for families to continually check the resources made available to students.  Signing the student handbook will serve as your acknowledgement for reviewing the information and granting the school permission to serve as the parent’s agent.  If you have any concerns, please contact the building principal.