York Township Elementary
REopening Plan
As we enter the 2020-2021 school year, the York Township Elementary staff and I are excited to welcome our students back into the building. Each staff member is dedicated to creating a safe, nurturing, and engaging learning environment for all students as we continue to inspire and create pathways for student success. There will be many changes enacted this year to keep our children safe, but we are committed to ensuring the school environment is friendly, welcoming, and as normal as possible for all students.
OPTION 1: Face-to-Face In-person instruction
Students will physically return to school and engage in traditional classroom instruction under guidelines found within the DASD Reopening Health and Safety Plan Summary.
York Township Elementary will comply with mandates from the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, the PA Department of Health and implement social distancing as practicable.
At this time, face coverings will be required based on the current state mandates with the exception of students who have specific face covering 504/IEP exemptions.
Morning/Entry Procedures
Breakfast will be provided for those students interested in eating at school
Bus riders eating breakfast will be allowed entry at 8:25 a.m.
Car riders eating breakfast will be permitted to enter the building at 8:25 a.m.
Bus riders not eating breakfast will be allowed entry at 8:30 a.m.
Car riders not eating breakfast will be allowed entry at 8:30 a.m.
We will be limiting the number of outside visitors and volunteers to our campus.
Everyone who enters the building must wear a face covering.
Staff and students are expected to self-screen for symptoms of illness prior to entering the building each day and stay home when symptoms are present.
*Please note that this is a preliminary plan and could change based on the number of students who choose “Option 1”.
Face coverings
Per The Pennsylvania Department of Education’s Public Health Guidance Regarding Covid-19 for Phased Reopening of PreK-12 Schools, “Children two years and older are required to wear a face covering unless they have a medical or mental health condition or disability, documented in accordance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act or IDEA, that precludes the wearing of a face covering in school. Accommodations for such students should be made in partnership with the student's health care provider, school nurse, and IEP/504 team.”
Students who have a medical exemption to wearing a face covering as noted in their confidential IEP/504 will engage in regular classroom instruction.
For specific questions please contact Mr. Bouchillon.
Face coverings, such as masksand/or face shields must be worn by students, faculty, staff, and visitors while on school property.
Students must wear face coverings when using district transportation (buses, vans, etc.)
Opportunities to have face covering breaks throughout the day will be provided as appropriate levels of social distancing allow.
During lunch the only time that students may remove their face covering when they are seated and eating lunch. Once students finish eating, face coverings are again required.
Students will be educated on face covering-wearing requirements, in addition to all safety procedures, regarding the reopening.
Hallway procedures
Hallway traffic flow between classes will be teacher directed to reduce congestion; however, social distancing will be a challenge during this part of our day.
Hallway transition times will be monitored and adjusted on an as-needed basis.
Water fountains will be closed to students and staff and the district is working toward converting some water fountains to water bottle filling stations.
Classroom Procedures
Student seating arrangements will be spaced out to the maximum extent possible, based on the number of students in the class.
Classrooms for grades 2 & 3 use individual desks that will be spaced apart
Classrooms for grades K & 1 use tables with multiple students per table. Students will be spread out to the maximum extent possible at the tables.
Students will be distanced to the maximum extent feasible in specialized classrooms (Art, Library, Music, Phys. Ed., and STEAM)
When possible, classes may be held outdoors where social distancing can be maintained.
Hand sanitizer will be available in each classroom for students to use as they enter the classroom and prior to leaving the classroom.
Unnecessary furniture and soft furnishings will be removed from classrooms.
Classroom doors will remain open as feasible in order to minimize touch points and increase air flow.
Classroom windows will be opened when feasible for increased air flow.
The sharing of common classroom materials will be minimized.
High-touch surfaces will be cleaned frequently throughout the day. All areas of the building will be cleaned on a daily basis.
Recess Procedures
Opportunities will be provided for students to have recess.
Recess opportunities will be staggered in order to limit the number of students on the playground at one time.
Students will be required to wear their face coverings unless they can social distance. In that case they would be allowed to remove them.
Inside recess will be offered when weather is not conducive to go outside.
Students will be required to wear their face coverings during inside recess.
Limiting some activities, enhanced supervision, and social distancing will be promoted.
FOOD services
Lunch will be in the cafeteria. All the cafeteria tables will be utilized to spread the students out. Instead of 20 students at each table we will only allow 6-8 students at each table. The students will be required to sit in designated spots to help with social distancing. A staggered lunch schedule will be created to minimize the number of students in the cafeteria at one time. Only one grade level will be permitted in the cafeteria at a time.
The cafeteria will continue to be cashless. Parents are encouraged to add funds to their child’s account by writing a check or using MySchoolBucks.
Students will be required to wear their face coverings while entering and exiting. They WILL NOT be required to wear their face coverings while eating and drinking.
OPTION 2: Wildcat Remote Learning
All grade level content that is available for students in brick-and-mortar (Option 1) will also be available for students that select Wildcat Remote Learning (Option 2). This includes their specials Art, Library, Music, Phys. Ed., and STEAM
Students selecting Option 2 may participate in all school and PTO sponsored activities outside of school hours.
Wildcat Remote Learning (Option 2) courses will follow the same curriculum, timeline, and grading protocols as their Face-to Face Instruction (Option 1) counterparts. We will not be grading on a pass/fail system for students selecting Wildcat Remote Learning.
Students can expect to work approximately 4-5 hours per school day in Wildcat Remote Learning.
Support services will be provided remotely to the extent possible.
Students will be expected to attend a minimum of 3 synchronous engagement opportunities with classroom teachers per week. These opportunities will be clearly communicated by each individual classroom teacher in advance. Opportunities for synchronous engagement include but are not limited to the following: direct instruction, participation in a small group, participation in an online discussion, and Q&A/guided practice with a teacher.
OPTION 3: DASD Cyber Academy
Students will engage remotely in a full-time cyber or blended cyber education through the EDGENUITY(K-5) online learning platform.
Self-paced learning activities daily aligned with the DASD District Calendar
Facilitated by EDGENUITY teachers
Includes active engagement with teachers upon request for support. Coursework may require support from a guardian/responsible adult.
Courses will include a schedule of primary and elective course offerings through EDGENUITY.
For more detailed information regarding the DASD Cyber Academy, consider watching the DASD Cyber Academy Information Session video by clicking here.