Frequently Asked Questions
Last Updated: February 28, 2022
Face Covering Related Questions
Is the District requiring masks for students, staff, and visitors in school?
Based on the recently revised DASD Health and Safety Plan, the Pennsylvania Supreme Court’s decision to vacate masks means that the District will return to optional face coverings effective immediately.
We continue to encourage our community, students, and families to respect individual choices regarding face coverings.
Is the District requiring masks for students and staff on District transportation?
Face coverings are optional on all District transportation per federal guidelines.
Will face coverings be enforced by the District?
No. Face coverings are optional at DASD.
What is an acceptable face covering?
Face coverings must cover the nose and mouth with a material that is secure to the head with ties, straps, or loops over the ears or is wrapped around the lower face. A face covering can be made of a variety of synthetic or natural fabrics, including cotton, silk or linen. For additional information, please reference the Center for Disease Control and Prevention website.
COVID-19 Related Questions
What if someone is sick at school?
If a student or staff member is exhibiting COVID-like symptoms, they will be sent to the nurse’s office. It is important to remember that although students may be experiencing symptoms, they are not automatically presumed positive for COVID-19.
Guardians will be contacted to pick up their student and seek care from their primary health care provider.
What if someone tests positive for COVID-19?
It is important that families and staff communicate with school officials.
Following any report of a positive case, school nursing staff will contact the PA DOH and follow any guidance to assist in contact tracing. Additionally, we will closely review any materials, equipment or areas of the building that may require additional cleaning or disinfecting prior to the next school day.
Will the District accept at-home COVID-19 test kit results?
The recommendations regarding at-home COVID-19 test kits are ever changing. The COVID-19 At-Home Test Kits FAQ can offer some guidance; however, we strongly recommend contacting your School Nurse should you have specific questions regarding at-home COVID-19 test kits.
Will the District conduct contact tracing? When will a student need to quarantine/isolate?
The District will conduct contact tracing investigations to determine close contacts for the PA Department of Health as necessary.
What is a close contact?
A close contact is an individual within 6 feet of someone for a cumulative total of 15 minutes or more over a 24-hour period, with someone who has COVID-19.
If my child is not vaccinated, but had COVID within the past 3 months, will they be required to quarantine?
If an individual received a positive COVID-19 diagnosis within the past 3 months, they will not be required to quarantine as long as the individual remains symptom-free.
If my child receives a positive COVID antibody test, will they be required to quarantine?
On September 21, 2021, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) updated its recommendations regarding the use of SARS-CoV-2 antibody test results in determining quarantine status of individuals exposed to COVID-19. An antibody test should not be used to determine the need for quarantine following close contact with someone who has COVID-19.
Will parents receive notification when a COVID-19 case is reported at their child's school?
Beginning Friday, January 7, the District will no longer be sending potential exposure notification emails to families. The District will provide a community dashboard on the homepage of the DASD COVID Information Website.
Will Dallastown Area School District conduct COVID-19 testing in schools for students and staff who have been exposed?
PDE/DOH have made resources and programs available to school districts to conduct COVID testing. At this time, the District will not be offering COVID-19 testing.
If my child is quarantined, how will they keep up with their school work?
Please Note: This option is only available for students who are quarantined. This is not applicable for students who are sick or have an administrator approved absence (formerly an educational trip).
Grades K-6
Teachers will provide materials and resources for students to engage in learning at home which may include the following:
Google Classroom Postings/Assignments
Printed materials packets for hands-on engagement
Additional learning methods may be used at the teacher’s discretion.
K-6 Autistic Support
K-6 Life Skills Support
Day 1: Each student will access learning materials through their Google Classroom
Day 2-24: Teachers will post a schedule to each student’s Google Classroom which includes a blend of synchronous and asynchronous learning activities.
K-6 Emotional Support
K-6 Learning Support
K-6 Intensive Learning Support
Students will engage in learning activities through their Google Classroom. Teachers will be available to provide support as needed.
Grades 7-12
Teachers will host daily check-ins via Zoom to begin every class period. During this time they will review daily objectives, procedures, and expectations of assignments.
Students will access their learning materials through their Google Classroom for each class period.
Each day, teachers will host office hours via Zoom during Wildcat Period to provide student support. Please note: There may be times where a teacher may be unavailable during Wildcat Period due to an alternative duty.
7-12 Autistic Support
Day 1: Each student will access learning materials through their Google Classroom
Day 2-24: Teachers will post a schedule to each student’s Google Classroom which includes a blend of synchronous and asynchronous learning activities.
7-12 Emotional Support
Students will access their learning materials through their Google Classroom.
Students enrolled in Odysseyware coursework will continue to complete their learning path within each course.
Teachers will host daily check-ins via Zoom to begin every class period. During this time they will review daily objectives, procedures, and expectations of assignments.
7-12 Intensive Learning Support
7-12 Learning Support
Students will access their learning materials through their Google Classroom.
Teachers will host daily check-ins via Zoom to begin every class period. During this time they will review daily objectives, procedures, and expectations of assignments.
7-12 Life Skills Support
Day 1: Each student will access learning materials through their Google Classroom
Day 2-24: Teachers will post a schedule to each student’s Google Classroom.
Teachers will host daily check-ins via Zoom to begin every class period. During this time they will review daily objectives, procedures, and expectations of assignments.
Each day, teachers will host office hours via Zoom during Wildcat Period to provide student support. Please note: There may be times where a teacher may be unavailable during Wildcat Period due to an alternative duty.
How will my child learn in the event their entire classroom/team/building is quarantined or closed?
Grades K-3
Day 1- Students will access their learning materials independently through their Google Classroom
Day 2 - Each child’s teacher will communicate a daily schedule with Google Classroom materials and Zoom sessions.
Grades 4-12
Day 1 - Students will follow a building schedule communicated following the announcement of a closure. Students will engage in learning activities through Google Classroom and Zoom sessions.
What is the quarantine protocol when face coverings are optional?
If your student is NOT exhibiting symptoms of COVID-19, your student may continue to attend school, unless advised by the PA Department of Health otherwise. You are encouraged to closely monitor your child’s health and consult with your healthcare provider if any symptoms arise that are new and/or not explained by another reason. For more information on COVID-19 symptoms and testing, please visit the Pennsylvania Department of Health’s website by clicking HERE. If you decide to keep your student at home as a precaution or because your student is exhibiting symptoms, please inform your child's school immediately by contacting the main office.
Vaccinations Related Questions
Are vaccinations required for students and staff? (Ages 12 and up)
No, vaccinations are optional/voluntary for all individuals. Proof of vaccination is only required for individuals identified as close contacts who are seeking a quarantine exemption.
If my child is vaccinated, will they be required to quarantine after an exposure?
Symptom-free individuals who are vaccinated are not required to quarantine.
Will the District require proof of vaccination?
Dallastown Area School District follows the immunization requirements set by the PA Department of Health and PA Department of Education. At this time, the COVID vaccine is not a requirement.
Students may voluntarily submit their proof of vaccination using this Google Form.
Mitigation Related Questions
What are the mitigation efforts and safety protocols in place to ensure the health and well-being of our students, staff, and families?
Current CDC and American Academy of Pediatrics guidance recommends in-person learning and a layered approach to keeping student and staff safe.
Monitoring Student and Health
The most important thing families can do to help limit the spread of COVID-19 is to check their children daily for any symptoms and keep them home from school if they are sick or have had close contact with anyone diagnosed with COVID-19.
Families and staff are asked to notify the school of a confirmed/presumed positive COVID-19 test result of an individual who was present in our schools/facilities.
Cleaning and Ventilation Protocols
Occupied areas, such as offices, classrooms, meeting rooms, workrooms, and bathrooms, high-touch surfaces, such as water bottle fillers, door handles, and light switches will be cleaned daily while students and/or staff are present.
Safe cleaning products (ex. soap and water) for use on individual or shared learning spaces and materials will be available for staff and student use throughout the day.
Adjustments to HVAC systems and building procedures will continue to increase the amount of fresh air exchange.
Students and staff will be encouraged to wash hands frequently, using soap and water. Additional reinforcement and monitoring of hand washing/sanitizing will be provided prior to lunch and upon return from lunch and recess.
Hand sanitizer will be available for students and staff throughout each building.
Posters around the school will remind students and staff of good hygiene practices.
What factors will be used to determine additional mitigation efforts or school closure?
Local context (school-related cases, COVID-19 related absences, trends for community spread, hospitalizations, etc.)
Input from local healthcare providers
Collaboration with local and regional schools
Updated guidance and recommendations
Decisions will be made to maintain student learning and continuity of education.
AthleticS & STUDENT ACTIVITIES Questions
What health and safety protocols will be in place for athletics and student activities?
Our athletics and activities will follow the approved DASD Health & Safety plan. Social distancing is encouraged, where practicable. Currently all events are at full capacity, however that is subject to change based on guidelines and mandates.
All athletic teams and visiting spectators will follow the host teams health and safety plan regarding the use of face coverings and COVID mitigation efforts.
Will student athletes be required to wear face coverings?
Face coverings are optional for students, staff, and visitors.
Will face coverings be required for spectators?
Face coverings are optional for students, staff, and visitors.