House of Esempio

I always set the EXAMPLE.

~ From the Lion's Creed


Miss Sudie L. Williams led by example, she saw that the children needed music to make their lives fuller, so she taught. She saw her impact would be great if she led the district’s music program, so she led. She saw the city needed to save its symphony, so she led the charge and saved it. She is our example of seeing a need and filling it. Now it’s up to us to be the example.

More to come! Watch us lead by EXAMPLE!

Surprise Celebration of ESEMPIO the 19-20 House Champions!!!

Esempio took over the Winter Spirit Wear Day, Let it Snow! We're all representing them today!

Follow the link to share images, ideas, or creations to be added here!

Purchase Esempio SWAG from the PTA here.

Lead by EXAMPLE by decorating your world with Esempio stuff!

You MUST be logged into Google to access and MAKE A COPY of the images below.

HERE is a great place to create desktops to share with me & everyone else.

Screenshot 2021-01-25 at 9.03.46 AM - Sophia Reyes.png

Background by Sophie

Create something and I'll add it!