Library Learning is Fun!

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Copy of Copy of 5.15.20 LLH Library Choice Board

Watch a safari to learn about African animals. If you are inspired, email me your favorite moments and if you think a lion or elephant would make a good pet.

Fun Activities for everyday. Use today, tomorrow, and all summer long. Enjoy:

Lesson: Watch video, talk to your family about what you learned, implement plan of how to wash your hands. Then create a poster on hand washing, take a picture, and share with me at

"To be, or not to be, that is the question" - Shakespeare's Hamlet

Watch the different ways others created poetry and then write your own.

Please share your creations with me:

Do you enjoy watching nature shows? The links on this page let you see live footage of animals in their natural habitats or in the zoo. Feel free to watch and learn about the habitats of different animals, how they play and interact, and so much more.

If you want to share your favorite moments, feel free to take a picture of the website or a written list of what you love (

Earth day, on April 22nd, gives us a reason to reflect on the environment and our place within it. Feel free to watch these two videos about keystone species within two different ecosystems.

Share your thoughts about what you learned and how you can make a difference by emailing me at

And if you are feeling really creative, create a poem about biodiversity and share that too.

Miss you all!

Multiple sites that contain multiple sites. You can gorge yourself on Earth Day information and activities. Enjoy!!!

Remember that when you take care of the earth, you take care of you!

Use this link to access Starfall. They have an Earth Day activity that you might enjoy.

-Geared towards PreK-2nd grade for activity

-Site great for PreK-3rd grade and EL students!!!

Fun activities to make your day enjoyable. Please share this link with the people in your home. Read over it together and pick a fun activity to do each week.

If you want to share what you do, email me a picture of the process or end results (

Miss you!!!

Want to have a little fun, then watch this video and dance along. Let go and enjoy the moment.

Miss you guys, Ms. Christy

10 minutes of interesting information from around the world. What could be better!

Extra bonus: Cool story about libraries helping during this time of need - April 15, 2020

Fun activity:

How high can you count using just your fingers? Watch the video and then give it a try. Feel free to also participate in the "Think," "Dig Deeper," and "Discuss" sections of the lesson.

If you feel like sharing how high you can count on your fingers, send me an email at

Hope you enjoy, Ms. Christy

Clever Instructions
Online Resource Guide Elementary SPANISH.pdf
Online Resource Guide ELEMENTARY-2.pdf
Sora Elementary Student Flyer English.pdf

Library Lesson: Day One

1.Pick a book from Storyline Online.

2. Listen to the story with someone (or multiple people) in your house.

3. Then chat with that person/those people about something you found interesting at the beginning, middle, and end of the story (sequence of events).

4. Next, share how the story relates to your life.

5. Draw a picture, write a poem, or create your own story (non-fiction or fictional) that relates to the same ideas (3rd - 5th grade, this means theme) as the story you heard.

6. Share what you create with people in your house; and if you can, take a picture of it and share it with me at:

Happy learning beautiful people!!! Miss you guys!!!

Library Lesson: Day Two

  1. Log into Scholastic Learn at Home

  2. Click on your grade group

  3. Start doing the lessons provided...24 days worth

  4. Take a picture of you doing any part of the lesson and share with me at or post to Bloomz to share with the community. Can not wait to see what all you guys do!

PS: Jack, my son, is in Pre-K. We are doing the lessons too!

Happy learning beautiful people!

Library Lesson: Day Three

  1. Read/listen to a story using Sora (instructions are on this page on how to access it), Audible Stories, or Spanish Children's Stories.

  2. Tell someone in your house a summary of the book.

  3. Send me an email telling me your favorite part of the book (

Smile, be happy, you are learning more each day!

Library Lesson: Day Four

Your assignment today is to collect stories. Ask people in your house about the day your were born, the day you first walked, or a favorite memory they have of you. You can also inquire (ask) about the other person's life: what were they like when they were younger or what is one of their favorite memories. Feel free to email me about how you felt when you learned about yourself and/or the other person. (

Library Lesson: Day Five

  1. Watch Think Like a Coder: Episode 1 (above)

  2. Deep thoughts: Do I want to learn how to use computers? Does this video's information make sense?

  3. Talk to the people in your home about your deep thoughts.

  4. Share what you talked about in an email to me (

Missing you guys. Know we planned to watch these in class and have these discussions together. How wonderful that you get to do this at home with people you love. Hope you enjoyed the lesson.

Library Lesson: Day Six

  1. Make a list of topics you want to learn about.

  2. Use GoGooligans to search a topic you are interested in learning about right now.

  3. Share your information with people in your house.

  4. Send me an email about new questions you now have due to learning this new thing OR take a selfie of you finding the new information.

  5. Send your proof of doing this assignment to me via email (

CHPLibraryConnection Provides multiple places to visit and read free eBooks. The librarians are sharing resources, and this is just one example of us making sure to share our ideas. You all can share too when you meet online for Zoom meetings!

*Just one more example of how everyone loves to learn and share; people really are amazing!!

Library Lesson: Day Seven-Eleven


  1. Go to one of the free sites that provide books.

  2. Read, Read, Read!!!! You can listen to a book or "turn" the pages and read them yourself.

  3. Get ideas of writing your own book from all this amazing reading.

  4. Start your own comic book or novel. Have fun with it!

  5. Share with your family and me (

Have a happy, wonderful week!!! Know you are missed!!!!

30 Minutes of Library time with Ms. Christy:

Tuesdays at 1:00 pm, PreK-2nd grade meet for story time.

Wednesdays at 2:00, 3rd-5th grade meet for story time.

Starting Friday, April 17th, PreK-2nd grade meets at 9:00 am; 3rd-5th grade meets at 10:30


Fun activity for outside! You can print the attachment or make your own boxes on paper. Enjoy!

Supplemental Online Resources.docx

Parents, students, and teachers: Wanting resources in English and Spanish to help learning continue, then here is a great list. One of the librarians shared this with me, and I love it. Hope you all have a wonderful day!!!

Ms. Christy Willis

Saving the planet and you during this time of COVID-19:

-You get to use supplies found around the house to create your own mask

-It is easy, fun, and effective.

Happy Makerspace Moment!!


Make some music, have some fun!!!

A fun way to express yourself and relax.