ESY for Special Education

Questions? Visit the SPED Department website or call 972-581-4512

Extended School Year

Dallas ISD’s Extended School Year services are special education and related services offered beyond the regular school year as part of an individualized education program for eligible students with disabilities.

Student eligibility for extended school year services is determined on a case-by-case basis by the student’s Admission, Review, and Dismissal (ARD) committee which develops individual goals and objectives, based on current data.

Extended School Year - Social Skills Camp

The Social Skills Camp is an ESY program. The purpose of the social skills camp is to maintain positive social skills and peer interactions for students who fall into a particular profile. The activities during the social skills camp include social skills lessons, positive interactions while playing games, and working together to complete projects based on the theme of the summer.

The students who attend the social skills camp are typically students with autism spectrum disorders who are being included in the general education classrooms and are struggling with their personal social skills. There must be data to support the need for attending this ESY program. This data may come from the student’s current IEP objectives that address behavior and social skills.


The Launchability work experience program is to provide adults with disabilities real work experience in jobs that are aligned with their strengths and interests. The program teaches hard and soft skills, work culture, and expectations that would apply to any workplace.

Students must be 18 and up and a client of Texas Workforce Commision. Students selected are referred by a TWC counselor, vocational compliance teacher, or 18+ teacher.

VAC Program

The Vocational Adjustment Class program is a job coaching/monitoring program for special education students employed in the summer.

Students participate in this program if they were in the VAC program during the school year.

Dallas ISD staff will collaborate with the student, parent, and job site to arrange a schedule to provide job coaching/mentoring support to the student in the summer.

Extended School Year - Vision Skills

The ESY 2018 Vision Skills Program is specifically designed for students with a visual impairment that are identified through ARD process by documented/measured regression issues or emerging skills.

It is open to Dallas ISD students identified by the ARD committee.

Summer Readiness, SSI, EOC Test Prep and Credit Recovery

Summer Readiness: The Dallas ISD Summer Readiness program is a program specifically designed for students that did not meet local promotion criteria per District policy due to report card grades. Summer Readiness is essentially summer school for students in grades 1-8.


The Summer SSI (Student Success Initiative) Accelerated Instruction Program is designed as a continuation of services for students in grades 5 and 8 who did not meet the state passing requirement on the second administration of the STAAR (State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness).

EOC Test Prep:

The EOC test prep program is for high school students who have attempted yet have not successfully met the state standards on one or more of the Texas End of Course Exams (EOC).

Credit Recovery:

The High School Credit Recovery Program is designed for Dallas ISD students who have previously attempted and failed high school courses. Students will be able to recover a total of one full credit during the credit recovery program.