Bus Driver & Monitor PD

Welcome Back!

We hope you had a restful winter break and are feeling refreshed to take on the possibilities of this new year.

Part 1. Watch the following videos on COVID-19 safety.

I wear a mask because...

How to wear a fabric mask safely

Preventing COVID-19 in your workplace

How to protect yourself against COVID-19

Part 2. Click on each of the following presentations and scroll down to learn about this bus driver safety series from NHTSA.

6763_specialneedsslides_04-01-10_v1a2 (2).ppt

Transporting Students with Special Needs

adverseweatherslides_final18slidesfinal (2).ppt

Driving Under Adverse Weather Conditions

driverattitudeslides_final9slidesfinal (1).ppt

Driver Attitude

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Highway-Rail Grade Crossing

knowrouteslides_final7slidesfinal (3).ppt

Know Your Route

loadingunloadingslides_v1 (1).ppt

Loading and Unloading

nhtsaemergevacslides_final17slidesfinal (1).ppt

Emergency Evacuation of School Buses

studentmanagementslides9slidesfinal (1).ppt

Student Management

vehicletrainingslides_final12slidesfinal (1).ppt

Vehicle Training

Part 3. Watch the following video on bus discipline and the Student Code of Conduct.

Bus Discipline & Student Code of Conduct

Part 4. Watch the following video on post-accident procedures established by Risk Management.

Post-Accident Procedures

Risk Management

Part 5. Review the following information regarding Dallas ISD protocols for COVID-19.

Contact Tracing

Staff COVID19 Return to Work Guide 092920

Staff COVID-19 Return to Work Guide

Part 6. Watch the following video on self-care.

Self-Care: What It Really Is

Part 7. Complete the following questions regarding the videos and content of PD Day 3.