"The purpose of education is to replace an empty mind with an open one." -Malcom Forbes


Adamson Instructional Focuses

Writing in ALL Contents

Student Data Tracking

Student Engagement

Cultures of Thinking

Planning & Preparation

PTECH with Gee: 1st period, A-Day

Math with Gardner and Boren: 2nd period, A-Day

Social Studies with Rivera: 3rd period, A-Day

English with Davis and Dominy: 6th period, B-Day

Science with Rodriguez and Cerda: 7th period, B-Day

Always bring:

PLC Protocol

1st PLC of the Week: Behind the scenes work- exemplar upgrades, lesson internalization

2nd PLC of the Week: On the stage work- lesson rehersal and feedback

Department Links

Electives PLC will be every 3rd Tuesday of the month, 4:45-5:45, after school in Mr. Jones's room


PLC Agenda

PLC Slides

Useful Instructional Items

Make a copy of the template, for your students to use. Once you have made the copy, before you share with students, you can add extra rows and/or edit for your specific content.

Click the link or video above to learn how to add an automatic timer to your Google Slides.

EOC RAP Sheet Template

Professional Development Slide Decks 2024

Professional Development Slide Decks 2023

with demo lesson. Presented July 31, 2023

Presented August 3, 2023

Presented August 3, 2023

Presented August 3, 2023

Presented August 3, 2023. Includes the Staff Handbook.

Presented August 8, 23

Writing Across the Curriculum

Presented 8, 23

Presented August 8, 23