Alternative Certification and Technology Enhanced Learning

Why is important to integrate technology into instruction?

Preparing Students for a Technology Rich World

Integrating technology into instruction can be an amplifier of the current best practices used in the classroom and a factor to enhance student learning by linking the classroom to a global audience, turning learners into creators of digital media, and promoting new ways to collaborate beyond the classroom walls.

21st Century Skills

As Dallas ISD transitions into a 1:1 student device ratio environment educators enhance their technology skills to better prepare themselves to facilitate technology enhanced learning while fostering 21st century skills.

Click on the Learning by Design icon to explore some ideas about how to integrate online tools and applications promoting critical thinking, collaboration, communication, and creativity, all in the context of the Dallas ISD Learning by Design Framework.

Professional Learning Opportunities on Technology Integration

Once onboarding process is completed, an entire set of courses are available to participants. These courses cover a wide spectrum of topics related to technology integration that go from Digital Citizenship and technology rich classrooms to courses on functionally of Learning Management Systems and technology enhance instruction that increases access for our diverse learners with lessons that incorporate basic principles of universal design for learning.

Teachers will learn about the foundational aspects of technology integration, which applies to instructional delivery as well as the learning environment. This framework guides instructional design and incorporates critical thinking, digital learning, and social and emotional learning, while using the content standards for the foundation of a more inclusive lesson design.

Technology Enhanced Assessment Tools

Teachers make informed decisions during instruction to adapt their lessons based on student's feedback obtained during learning.

Formative Assessment is defined as the process used by teachers and students to notice, recognize, and respond to student learning in order to enhance that learning, during learning.

Cowie and Bell, 1999

Unified Classroom Assessment Tools

Teachers can use traditional gradebook in addition to online assessment tools native to our Unified Classroom native learning management system.