French 1


Bienvenue à la classe de Français 1!

(Welcome to French 1!)

Madame Marshall

Bonjour! (Hello) We are so excited that you are taking French! We are looking forward to getting to know you, teaching you online, (and perhaps in person) and to everything that we will learn together. Since this school year is happening in a new way for all of us, we anticipate there will be things that work out well and other things that will need to change in order to make our online learning community really great! Please stay flexible and positive and let us know if you have any questions and/or suggestions. :)

You can reach Madame Marshall at

***If you have any questions or need some extra help, please send me an email anytime and I will respond to you within 24 hours M-F ***

Below is my daily schedule with my free periods highlighted in blue.

You can reach Madame Stevens at

Send me a quick email to schedule a video conference for extra help or if you just want to practice speaking French! :)

Here is my daily schedule:

How to write an email

Email Etiquette.mp4

Course Overview

In this French 1 beginning course, French will be used for learning and communication. In other words, you will be learning IN the language, NOT ABOUT the language. This means that while there will be vocabulary and sentence structures to learn, they are not the traditional organizational focus of the chapters. Instead, you will be learning French within the context of describing settings, emotions, places, preferences and people, telling stories, exchanging information and opinions and discovering French speaking cultures in historical contexts as well as the present day. However don’t worry! As you are exposed to enough purposeful, comprehensible language (through listening and reading) you will increasingly be able to communicate spontaneously by writing and speaking in French. (Indeed, this is how we learn our first language, and the process is very similar for learning a second or third!) This will be a fun and innovative way to learn French!

French 1 Syllabus

Learner Expectations and Course Policies

Click on the syllabus (left) and read through the answers to the questions in blue to get a detailed understanding of the course.

Telling a Story

Exchanging Information

Culture & History

what am i expected to do during an on-line class session? (click to expand)

Online Learning Expectations for Zoom/Google Meets: Since this is a new experience for everyone, I want to be sure that the expectations are clear. Some of these may seem like common sense but I want to be sure we are all on the same page so that we can start successfully!

· Be dressed for school (this means you are not in your pajamas and laying in bed)

· Find a place as quiet and calm as possible to attend class

· If possible, choose a location without a distracting background or use an appropriate virtual background

· Sit up straight and have a surface that you can write on and place your Chromebook on

· Be sure your Chromebook is charged and ready to go

· Have your notebook and pencil ready

· Log-in a few minutes before class starts

· Make sure your camera is on and the microphone is muted

· Keep your microphone on mute unless I give directions to speak

· Use headphones for the best audio

· Raise “the hand” icon if you have a question during class or send me a message through the chat

· When you do speak, make sure you are loud and clear

· If you need to get up during the lesson, please send me a message through the chat and then turn off your camera until you come back

· Other devices such as tablets and phones are put away

· Do not chew gum, eat or drink in front of the camera

· Be respectful to other classmates: do not take photos of the screen (this is an invasion of privacy) or put comments about other students or anything not school appropriate in the chat

· If we lose connection on a synchronous day , check Google Classroom for an alternative assignment

· Present yourself with a positive attitude!

how can i succeed in french? (click to expand)

You will succeed in French by:

*Attending all synchronous & asynchronous on-line classes and checking our Google Classroom site every day.

*Completing all assignments (late work will not be accepted)

*Doing your 50% and allowing me to do my 50% which = 100%!

Your 50% job is to listen and read for understanding by following class expectations, make a handwritten copy of our shared writings, notify me or ask questions when you don’t understand, and contribute to and participate in our lesson materials when requested. Trust that you will acquire the ability to speak and do your best!

My 50% job is to provide interesting and comprehensible input which means you should be able to understand what I am saying and writing in French and what you are reading in French. If we each do our 50%, the experience of acquiring language will be 100% enjoyable and successful for everyone.

*Being brave when it is time to write and speak

We will practice these things together however speaking is the thing that everyone wants to do but it can also be the thing that intimidates people the most. You will probably start speaking with just some simple random words, memorized phrases and partial sentences and that is ok! Don’t worry or feel bad. Your speaking will naturally evolve from isolated words, memorized and/or incomplete phrases to fuller and more complex sentences until you are eventually expressing yourself without having to think too much about it. Just remember, you can’t learn a new skill such as drawing, soccer or the saxophone by just reading or listening to and watching someone else do it. At some point you have to jump in and start trying just a little bit by yourself. As you learn more your confidence will grow. You can definitely do this! J

*Keeping a growth mindset

I want you to believe that you can get better at French through effort, plenty of practice and small improvements over time. I want you to embrace challenges and take risks with French because that's how you improve. I want you to see mistakes or difficulties, not as an excuse to give up, but as a sign that you need to try new strategies or put in a little more work. I want you to see feedback as an opportunity to improve and develop your potential! As your skills in French grow, you will also see growth in your self-confidence, over-all communication skills and ability to persist in general!

Technology You Will Need for This Class - Click to Expand

We will use a variety of learning technologies in this course. If you are unfamiliar with any of the technologies listed below, simply click on the title to visit their help page. When I ask you to use a tool for the first time in the course, I will provide you the link, remind you how to log in, and remind you where to can find technical support.

  • Google Docs [Insert links to district-made support resources]

  • Google Slides

  • Google Sheets

  • Google Forms

  • Google Drive

  • Padlet

  • Flipgrid

  • Peardeck

  • Quizziz

  • Quizlet

  • Gimkit

  • Nearpod

If you are experiencing issues with your student Chromebook, your Google Account, or other district provided apps, please email

If I pass french this year, should i continue with french? (Click to Expand)

Yes! Absolutely!

If you work hard in French, you can take the AAPPL test in level 3 or 4 to try and earn the Seal of Biliteracy. This will be added to your diploma when you graduate. Click here for more info.

Most colleges require students to have 2 years of the same foreign language in order to apply for admission. More competitive colleges are requiring four years. Even if you don’t know if you are going to college yet, we still recommend that you do at least the first 2 years so that if you do decide to go, you will have more options.

Taking 4 years of the same foreign language shows commitment and persistence. These are qualities that future employers, training programs and other educational institutions will admire.

The more French you learn, the more you will increase what you can offer a future employer in terms of language and cultural understanding. You will be able to more easily make French speaking friends, travel to French speaking countries, appreciate more kinds of music, sports , art and more! You never know the wonderful surprises life holds for you!

Additional Resources