2nd Grade

2nd Grade 23-24

Music Program: Wednesday, December 6th

Musical Program Speaking Role Form: Please fill out this form if your child is interested in performing a speaking role for our musical program, The Nutcracker. 

Welcome to 2nd Grade Music! 

During 1st Quarter, we spend a significant time building routines and reviewing important rhythmic concepts from last year: BEAT, RHYTHM, and the note values Quarter Note, Eighth Notes, and Quarter Rest. I assess each student on their ability to keep a steady beat and their singing voice. I also listen to each student echo a clapped rhythm pattern to better understand their rhythmic discrimination skills. This helps me as we continue adding to our knowledge and skills within music literacy.

Our first formal unit of study is Dynamics, the quiet and loud sounds in music. We sing songs, play instruments, and play games to learn how to identify and perform different dynamics. We review the words piano and forte as the preferred terms when labeling and discussing musical dynamics and learn to identify and respond to their symbols within music notation.

Very soon we will be jumping into our musical preparation for The Nutcracker. Look for information being sent home in the next couple of months.