SPED Resources

Zones of Regulation

Zones of regulation are used to identify feelings in ourselves and others. Our main focus is to be in ‘Green Zone’. If we are not in the green zone, that is ok! We can acknowledge our feelings and then use tools/strategies to help us get back to the green zone.


Cosmic Kids Yoga (free yoga for littles and parents)

Yoga with Adriene (free yoga classes)


Autism Classroom from Home: Autism Classroom

National Autism Association -Has some great tips, resources, articles and information.

Rewards and Reinforcement Examples

San Diego Zoo Live Cam and Cincinnati Zoo Live Cam

  • San Diego Zoo and Cincinnati Zoo is posting videos, activities and quizzes about the animals.

  • Live daily at 3pm ET (12:00pm PT)

GoNoodle! - Brain breaks, mindfulness, yoga, dancing, etc.

Brain Pop and Brain Pop Jr. - Informational videos, quizzes and activities.

  • There are many free videos available if you would like to use on your own.

  1. Preferred activities

  2. Free time

  3. Food-related items and snacks

  4. Desired objects

  5. Privileges

D64 Parent University

D64 Special Education Parent Group