Middle School Redesign:

Fall 2017

Beginning next school year, District 62 will introduce a new school day model for its Algonquin and Chippewa Middle School students. This new school day model affects approximately 1,400 Algonquin and Chippewa Middle School students.

The proposed change mirrors a true middle school model (versus the current junior high model) that features a core block schedule with three core subjects being taught at one time: English Language Arts, Mathematics and Science or Social Studies. Science and Social Studies instruction will alternate each semester.

The proposed redesign increases blocks of instructional time to 78 minutes and limits major content courses to three at a time for students. Three core subjects provides a more balanced academic approach for students.

Another key component of the proposed model is the introduction of a student advisory period that meets once a week for 35 minutes. The purpose of the advisory program is for an adult advisor to meet regularly with students and provide both academic and social-emotional support, while creating a connection to school and facilitate conversations among peers.

While we recognize that this is a change for our middle school students and families, we also recognize the importance of a strong structure and academic foundation for our students. We understand that change is a process and can be an adjustment, but we are confident that this modification to our middle school model will provide the necessary academic and social-emotional supports our students need in order to advance and thrive as young citizens. We appreciated the input from the community last year that led us to study this model and are very excited about the future of District 62.

Additional information including Frequently Asked Questions and additional district communications can be found on this website.