Google Slides

Google Slides is an online program for making slideshows. You can make a slideshow presentation with text, pictures, audio, and video.

Sign in Process: By signing into the Chromebook, you are automatically signed into your Drive. If you are using a different device other than a Chromebook, you will need to sign into your D57 account using a Chrome browser.

Slides Tool Bar Visual/Labels

Instructional Videos

Google Slides: Episode 1 discusses:

  • inserting a new slide

  • inserting a textbox

  • typing in a textbox

  • inserting an image

  • adjusting the size of the image

Google Slides: Episode 2 discusses:

  • inserting a shape

  • resizing a shape

  • filling a shape with color

  • changing the border color of a shape, image, or text box

Google Slides: Episode 3 discusses:

  • add a line

  • change a slide layout

  • add transitions

Google Slides: Episode 4 discusses:

  • thickness of a line or border

  • style of lines or borders such as dashed or dotted lines

  • insert a hyperlink

Google Slides: Episode 5 discusses:

  • cropping (cutting) an image

  • image options - recolor, drop shadow, reflection

Practice On Your Own

The following links force you to make a copy of practice activities on Google Slides. The copies will be saved to your Google Drive. Only click the "copy" button once!

Advanced Features