Mr. Schmidt

I am a member of the 7th Grade Wildcat Team.  I have worked at Lincoln since 2017 and have been an educator since 2012.  I co-teach one section of ELA with Mrs. Prosen and I teach one section of ELA and two sections of strategies for learning.  I am a father of three and live locally in Des Plaines.  I have a variety of interests like science fiction and fantasy, social justice, gardening, theater, and super-hero movies.  I work annually with the charity Operation North Pole, which explains why I look like the conductor from the Polar Express every winter.

C Schmidt Intro 2020_21.mp4

An important thing to remember during the middle school years is that our students' brains are growing and changing.  A major change is in students' executive functioning.  Here is a brief video describing the role of executive functioning.

Why don't we want students having their phones in class?  Watch this video to learn about a study showing how cell phones can hurt your ability to do well in class.