Learn about Mrs. Meyers and ART class at Westbrook
My goal is for your child to have joyful experience in the art room. I'd like each first grader to spark an interest and be inspired with a desire to create more during their first time in art. In the art room students learn critical thinking, effective communication, and creative problem solving. They grow in self-confidence and self-direction through the art making process.
This year first graders will meet for one hour each week. They will explore a variety of artistic techniques and be able express their creativity. In class the students will use paints, crayons, oil pastels, chalk and colored pencils. They will also explore printmaking, and mixed media to create 2-D and 3-D projects. Throughout the year the students are introduced to the elements of art while learning about significant famous artists and genres.
Each student will create a portfolio of their artwork. Portfolios will hold artwork for display around the building throughout the year and for the Westbrook Music and Art Showcase night, during which all students will have artwork on display. Portfolios will be sent home after the showcase. Occasionally, smaller warm-up activities or, “free choice” drawings may be sent home prior to the portfolio.
Looking for ways to help your child build find motor skills or nurture their creative spark? Here are some easy ideas:
• Buy art supplies that inspire your child
(Blick supplies and Michael's craft stores are great sources for inspiration--you don't need to spend a lot!).
• Encourage your child to keep a sketch book or photo journal and draw when they have down time, or anytime!
• Provide time for your child time to play, explore, and build with diverse materials: play dough, LEGOS, puzzles, watercolors, chalk, jewelry making, weaving etc.
• Take your child to see art and encourage them to build opinions by asking "which painting was your favorite?", or "what did you like about it?", "how do you think it was made?"
• Sign up for an art class though the park district