Reading Intervention

Welcome to our Reading Intervention page!

We have enjoyed getting to know your child and working with them to reach their reading and writing goals this year. Here's some information about our classroom, literacy, and resources you can use.  We are here to support you and your child.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is reading intervention?

Reading intervention is an opportunity for students to develop their personal reading goals in a small group setting that will build on their confidence as readers with an explicit and systematic approach.

How are students selected for reading intervention?

Students are selected based on reading assessments and teacher recommendations for support.  Students are assessed throughout the year using mClass Acadience Reading and progress monitored on specific reading goals they are working on every other week.  This assists in guiding instruction in both the classroom and during reading intervention.

Are students in reading intervention all year?

Our groups change throughout the year to meet student needs at our school. Students are supported in our small groups until they meet their personal reading goals.  Once they show success in areas they are working on (shown through progress monitoring), they may not need to come to our group time.  Students will continue to receive support with their literacy goals in the classroom.  We are proud and excited to celebrate our students that have met goals they are working on this year!

Please see some resources below and the supporting your reader tab for more information.

Reading Together Makes a Big Difference!!

15 - 20 minutes a day is perfect for beginning readers.

How to support new readers...

Have fun reading during family time...

Thank you for all you do at home to support what we do at school!

  Do you want to know more?  Here are some great resources for families.