Music Therapy

Dear Families,

Parents often ask for music therapy opportunities and resources that they can use at home. Music therapy can be an excellent way to provide additional support to your child's speech, occupational, physical, academic, and/or behavior goals. I have broken the information into three sections: Speech & Language, Social Emotional, and Physical & Occupational. The information is also organized by programming: Individual Music Therapy, Group Music Therapy, and Online Resources. You might notice that some of the resources overlap. My hope is that this guide will help streamline the process for families and help you find the best fit for you and your student!

Musically yours,

Mrs. Knudson

Queridas Familias,

Los padres a menudo solicitan oportunidades y recursos de musicoterapia que pueden usar en casa. La musicoterapia puede ser una excelente manera de proporcionar apoyo adicional y complementario a las metas de habla, ocupacionales, físicas, académicas y / o de comportamiento de su hijo. He dividido este sitio web en tres secciones: habla y lenguaje, social y emocional, y física y ocupacional. Puede notar que algunos de los recursos se superponen. ¡Espero que esta guía ayude a agilizar el proceso para los padres y lo ayude a encontrar la mejor opción para usted y su estudiante! Por favor, busque ayuda para acceder a cualquiera de estos recursos.

Musicalmente tuyo,

Mrs. Knudson

What is Music Therapy?

Music therapy is a form of therapy that uses music to help individuals meet various physical, emotional, cognitive, and social goals. Music therapists create musical experiences through different forms of music creation, such as dance, singing, songwriting, and more. By engaging with music therapy, children’s existing strengths and abilities are used to improve areas of need. Music therapy also helps to create pathways for social and emotional engagement in order for children to express themselves. When engaging in music therapy, children are encouraged to express themselves in order to meet various therapeutic goals. Children do not need any musical experience to benefit from music therapy. [1][2][3]

References:1. Judd, R. (n.d.). Music Therapist for Autism: Special Education Resources. Retrieved June 21, 2020, from 2. American Music Therapy Association. (n.d.). Retrieved June 21, 2020, from Music Therapy. (n.d.). Retrieved June 21, 2020, from

Mrs. Knudson's Contact Information:


Phone: 630-516-7300 ext.39902