Welcome to the
2024-2025 School Year
Please review the information below for the
2024-2025 school year.
If you have any questions or need help printing documents, please call the school at 331.228.4000.
Step by step directions for registration/enrollment on the District webpage.
After completing the registration steps, the District webpage will bring you to your HAC/PUSHCOIN account to pay your school fees. 2024-2025 Fees will be viewable in PUSHCOIN accounts on July 8, 2024.
Follow the step listed on the D303 webpage. Please print the forms and bring the required documents to your appointment with our registrar.
Contact the STCE Registrar, Julie Peterburs, to schedule an appointment for your new student's registration. Julie may be reached at julie.peterburs@d303.org or 331.228.5688.
Registration Fees will be charged to your student’s PushCoin account on July 8, 2024. Your student’s fees will be viewable in their PushCoin account and can be paid by credit/debit card or ACH check. SPECIFIC COURSE FEES will be charged to your student’s account around Labor Day. SPORTS FEES are payable through the snap app. PARKING FEES FOR JUNIORS & SENIORS WILL BE CHARGED TO YOUR STUDENT’S ACCOUNT (IF ASSIGNED A PARKING TAG) BEFORE MATERIALS PICK-UP. Home Access Center, PushCoin & ParentLink Information
2024-2025 Yearbooks can be ordered any time after July1 through the webstore and added to your cart.
Prior to the start of the school year, all students entering 9th grade must have a completed physical form, with the required immunizations, on file with the school nurse. The IHSA Sports Physical Examination does not fulfill the 9th grade requirement.
Parents of the class of 2025 - Please read this letter English Spanish from the nurse . One dose of the Meningitis vaccine (MCV4) must be received on/after the age of 16 and is required for entry into Grade 12.
Medications at school require specific forms located on the D303 webpage.
The Code of Conduct is required for all students participating in Sports, Clubs and Activities. This form must be completed every year.
Fall - Cross Country Boys or Girls
Fall/Winter - Cheer
Fall/Winter - Dance Team
Fall - Golf Boys or Girls
Fall - Football
Fall - Soccer Boys
Fall - Swim & Dive Girls
Fall - Tennis Girls
Fall - Girls Volleyball
Winter - Basketball Boys or Girls
Winter - Bowling Boys or Girls
Winter - Gymnastics Girls
Winter - Swim & Dive Boys
Winter - Wrestling
Spring - Badminton Girls
Spring - Baseball
Spring - LaCrosse Boys or Girls
Spring - Soccer Girls
Spring - Softball
Spring -Tennis Boys
Spring - Track Boys or Girls
Spring - Boys Volleyball
Spring - Water Polo Boys or Girls
PTO: The PTO promotes and encourages communication among parents, teachers, administration, and the community. PTO is involved in many school events, such as Staff Appreciation, Post Prom, Senior Signs and Back to School Night. Your annual family dues are payable as an OPTIONAL FEE on PUSHCOIN or via check addressed to STCE PTO. The PTO has set a goal to continue these family and student programs each year and your dues help them do that. For questions, information, and how to sign up to participate, please go to east.d303.org/pto.
ATHLETIC BOOSTERS: We invite you to become a member of the St. Charles East Athletic Boosters, a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization. The Boosters are comprised of parents, staff, alumni and friends who are committed to support and enhance all sports at East. This membership pass provides admission to both STCE & St. Charles North regular season home games only (excludes tournaments and post-season playoffs). By purchasing these passes the funds go to the St. Charles East Athletic Booster Club which directly benefits the athletes and teams. The 2024/25 Athletic Booster Membership Season Passes will be mobile passes and will be available for purchase on gofan.co or through the GoFan mobile app. Passes will be available for purchase beginning 7/1/24 by searching St. Charles East Athletic Boosters or St. Charles East High School. Contact Angie Miki via email with any questions at angie.miki@yahoo.com.
MUSIC BOOSTERS: The St. Charles East Music Boosters are dedicated to supporting the St. Charles East Music Department and the hundreds of students who participate in its various band, choir, and orchestra groups. Please visit PUSHCOIN to make your OPTIONAL donation or print out this form and return it with your check to STC East. For more information about our support, visit our website.
GREATER EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATION: $10.00 donation. Supports projects that supplement the student educational experience though out D303 and through student scholarships. Payable as an OPTIONAL FEE on PUSHCOIN.
To receive the weekly newsletter the Orange & Black Bulletin, please complete the online registration.
The Principal's Newsletter can be found on the East website.
Please contact Patty Hofer at patty.hofer@d303.org or 331.228.5538 to schedule summer appointments with a counselor.
Senior/Junior/Sophomore Materials Pick-Up | Wednesday, August 7 | 8:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Senior/Junior/Sophomore Materials Pick-Up | Thursday, August 8 | 8:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Freshman Orientation | Friday, August 9 | 8:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Late Material Pick-Up | Monday, August 12 | 2:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. for all grade levels