Who Are We?

SOAR is a group open to all students at NWHS who are interested in being the driving force behind our school’s equity work. Members of SOAR are charged with moving the culture of NWHS to one that is more anti-racist. Through regular workshops, engagement and open dialogue we develop ways of understanding complex relations between self and systems of oppression and work together to challenge and change institutional practices that negatively impact all students, especially students of color.

What We Do

SOAR provides programs that encourage students to talk and learn about the various effects of racism present in society. They also plan activities, advise the institution, and serve as advocates for changes which promote cross-racial understanding.


  • Develop leadership and collaborative skills.

  • Encourage self-advocacy and confidence in dealing with issues with race in various learning environments.

  • Encourage interracial dialogue and racial consciousness.

  • Provide a courageous space for conversations about race.