Policies and Procedures

Classroom Expectations:

In addition to those stated in the student handbook, each student will be expected to follow the rules and expectations below. Violations will be dealt with a verbal warning, phone call home, detention and/or referral, depending on the severity of the event.

  1. Be respectful of classmates, teachers, presenters, and school property.
  2. Come to class prepared everyday…this specifically means in your seat when the bell rings with a pen or pencil, logged in to a computer, and completed homework if applicable.
  3. Daily attendance is crucial to your success in this course. The amount of time allowed for make-up assignments is two days for every day of excused absence when applicable
  4. If you are not IN the classroom by the time the bell rings you WILL be marked tardy
  5. Cell phones and other personal electronic use will not be permitted in class unless told otherwise by Mr. Pahl.
  6. No food is allowed in the classroom.
  7. Drinks are allowed if they are in closable containers and kept on the floor.
  8. Profanity and explicit language is strictly prohibited.
    1. Students using profanity and/or explicit language will be dismissed to the hallway. Repeat offenses will be served with a lunch detention, phone call home, and a referral, in that order.