Honors Biology

What is Phenomenon Based Science Learning otherwise known as Storylining?

These phenomenon-driven units involve students in making sense of the natural world through the use of authentic data while integrating different areas of science together when they are necessary to solve a problem. This allows for much deeper and longer lasting learning because everything is taught in context. And the students genuinely excel much more because of their deeper understanding.

Will students come home frustrated some days because they “just want the answer?” Absolutely. But this productive struggle is critical to them growing as learners. They will not be overloaded with work as everything in which they are engaged will have purpose as we move through these coherent units together.

The goal is clear: to enable students to grow and become self-directed learners through real-world problem solving. The aim of this shift in teaching will make them better learners and is an Illinois and federal mandate.

What does this mean for distance-learning or e-learning?

Well we are not sure yet what this will look like. I am working with a group of other teachers from the biology department to see what this will look like going forward, but hopefully together we can get through these troubling times together.

Biology 11-21 Learning Targets March 2012.pdf