For Students

Studying a second language can be a very rewarding process. If you do the following in your Spanish, classroom, your success can be assured. (You might even try these suggestions in your math class!)

  • ¡BE ACTIVE! Don't just sit there and expect to absorb the language. Always do your homework. Practice makes progress.

  • STAY OFF YOUR PHONE in class. Unless your teacher is doing a fun activity of course.

  • ¡VOLUNTEER! When the teacher asks a question, try your best to answer it. You have to experiment with the language in order to improve.

  • ¡ASK QUESTIONS! Make sure that if you do not understand something you ask your teacher to explain.

  • ¡USE YOUR BOOK! Your book is a valuable reference guide. You should always use it when completing your homework. Refer back to it often and regularly.

  • ¡STUDY REGULARLY! 20 to 25 minutes a day is far more useful than 1 hour the night of a test. If you do not review, you will forget.

  • ¡HELP YOUR CLASSMATES! In helping them to speak Spanish, you will be helping YOURSELF become a better Spanish-speaker. The classroom is a place for you to interact with others ¡En Español!

  • ¡TAKE NOTES! When the teacher presents you with information, you will need to write it down so as to not forget it later. Also, make sure to correct your work when you are going over a quiz. Buy a little notebook where you keep all the new words you are learning.

  • ¡BE CREATIVE! Draw pictures, underline difficult words in different colors, mark accents in red etc...Use whatever creative tactics that work for you to remember the material.

  • ¡GET ORGANIZED! Buy a three-ring binder for your handouts, make flashcards, buy a little book to write down new vocabulary. You will need these materials organized so as to have quick and easy access to them when completing an assignment.

  • ¡USE THE INTERNET! Use the Web (La Red) to bookmark your favorite sites in Spanish, practice grammar and to enjoy learning about other cultures.

  • ¡REHEARSE! Actors and musicians do it and so should you. When studying, say the words aloud to yourself and practice pronunciation. This will help you speak with more fluency as well as remember the words more easily. SAYING THE WORDS ALOUD HELPS YOU REMEMBER THEM!

  • ¡REMEMBER! You can come see your teacher for extra help or go to the LIT CENTER for some help from a fellow student.

Coming to Spanish class and speaking English makes no sense. It's kind of like... | reading a magazine to prepare for a baseball game | jogging to prepare for a musical performance | singing to get ready to run a marathon | playing the violin to win the 100m dash | YOU MUST PRACTICE TO IMPROVE. THERE IS NO OTHER WAY


1. Cover either the Spanish or English. Try and say the word ALOUD en español o en inglés.

2. If you can't say the word in Spanish or in English, highlight, circle or underline it.

3. You must be able to say the word aloud en español.

4. Draw photos of the vocabulary items. It will help you learn, remember and internalize the words! Yo prometo (I promise)