Team Information

Introduction Letter

Welcome to the 2018 Hersey Boys Soccer Program

We are very excited about the upcoming season and are looking forward to working with your student athletes. We are very proud of not only our program at Hersey, but also the parents and fans who come out to support the team. All team schedules can be found on the following website:

We invite you and your friends to come to the games. Included is information about our soccer program (philosophy and expectations). Our hope is that if you, as parents, are informed as to what is expected of our athletes, then we can reinforce one another and work together for the benefit of our student athletes.

If you have any questions concerning the program we encourage you to communicate first with your son. If he is unable to give you the answer, encourage him to talk with one of the coaches and get back to you. This is an excellent means of making your son accept the responsibility of being on a team.

As coaches, we feel that one of the most important things we can do with players is to help them believe in themselves. We take our roles seriously and always want our team members to have a positive experience. We know competitive success is connected not only to the physical skills that one needs, but also involves being emotionally strong when confronted with adversity.

We hope to help the boys believe in themselves, set goals, and enjoy the season. Thank you for your continued support in Hersey Boys Soccer.


Michael Rusniak– Varsity (

Joe Russo– JV1 (

Samantha Frank – JV2 (

Brad Abel- Freshman A (

Rob Pihl– Freshman B (

Twitter: @HerseySoccer

Team Expectations


1. Academics always comes first. You are a student first, a soccer player second.

2. To be eligible, you must be passing at least four full-credit classes. Eligibility will be checked weekly.

3. If you need extra help with a class after school, please communicate this with your coach in advance. They will be supportive in your efforts.


1. If you are sick and will miss practice or a game, PLEASE contact your coach early in the day and leave a message. JV2 should contact Coach Frank, JV1 should contact Coach Russo, and freshmen should contact Coach Abel or Coach Peil.

2. Try to schedule doctor, dentist appointments, college visits, and family events around, not during games and practices.


1. Training is essential to your development as a player and to our success as a team.

2. You are expected to be on time to training every day after school (3:30-5:00). You are responsible to the team 6 days a week. There will be Saturday morning practices throughout the season.

3. Please communicate with your respective coach about work schedules and potential conflicts.

4. If you are injured and need to see the athletic trainer, try to report there at a time when you are not missing practice. Training is a time to learn and develop skills and prepare for competition. Take training seriously. Give it your all everyday. If you are injured, you are expected to get treatment from the trainer and then attend practice, to not miss any tactical information.

5. Unexcused training sessions, for whatever reasons, will result in less playing time at the coach’s discretion. If you are late to a game, this will result in less playing time as well. Unexcused absences, may result in dismissal from the team. There will always be unforeseen circumstances throughout the season. Keep an open line of communication between player and coach, in order to work out conflicts that prevent you from coming to training.

6. Every player should have the necessary clothing while in training and warming-up for games. This includes shin guards, ball, water, and training shirts. We are requiring each player to buy three training shirts for a total of $30.00. The link is as follows:

*You can also purchase additional Hersey Soccer Spirit Wear at this link. The store is open until August 20th, to ensure the order is fulfilled rapidly. Please make sure you select “store pick up”.


1. Buses will transport you to and from away games. Parents who need to take their sons home directly from an opposing school will need to sign him out with their coach. A parent or legal guardian is the only individual who is allowed to drive athletes home. Varsity players will be expected to travel on the to and from away games as a team.

2. Uniforms should only be worn during matches. They are not for personal use. Take care of them and lock them up while at school. Loss of either will require you to pay for a replacement.

3. Freshman players and players new to the program are required to purchase orange socks for $10. They will be made available by their coach next week. Players on JV1 and Varsity players will be required to purchase white and orange socks if they do not have them already. Socks must be “Adidas Copa Socks”.

3. Represent Hersey Soccer with class on and off the field. Swearing, taunting opponents and yelling at referees will not be tolerated. You are here to play soccer and support our teams. Yellow and red cards that are issued to players will result in repercussions at the coaches’ discretion. (Hard and soft reds will result in an automatic 1 game suspension by IHSA and possible team suspensions. If a player accumulates 5 yellows he will have to sit out the next game).

4. You are expected to uphold the Co-Curricular Code--which extends beyond the season for all athletes. Have respect for your parents, your coaches, and especially yourselves in making good decisions off the field.

5. There will be no guaranteed playing time. We will try to provide for it as the opportunity arises on the under levels, yet our focus is competitive, not recreational. A player’s desire to be on a team should be independent of playing time. A coach makes playing time decisions and level placement based on many factors, including game situations, attendance, effort, attitude, and ability based on training performance--some of which are unknown to fans and parents. Coaches see all of the boys everyday at training and therefore are much more qualified to make playing time decisions.

Expectations of the Parents:

1. Show respect for all officials, players, opponents and their fans, and coaches. Be a positive representative of your family, our school, the team, and the coaches.

2. Use appropriate behavior at all times and be a positive role model for your child and the other children on the team. We hope that all parents and athletes will refrain at all times from speaking negatively about teammates, coaches, and referees. While in the stands, assume that a loved one is always overhearing your conservation.

3. Refrain from coaching from the sidelines at all times. Cheer, encourage, and support but do not give technical or tactical instructions.

4. Support and encourage your child at all times in their quest to perform at their highest level. Help them build a healthy perspective about competition and the role of sports in life.

5. Please do not address the coach at training or a game but arrange a time to meet with your child’s coach to talk about your question or concern. Often an email is the best way to arrange a meeting.

6. If you have a question or concern that you feel was not addressed adequately by your child's specific coach during your meeting, please contact the Head Coach and we are arrange a meeting to have a dialogue.