College Knowledge for Parents

A District 214 College Counseling Course

Welcome to District 214's College Knowledge Course for Parents! 

Información Universitaria para padres 

Course Units

Course Overview

This course was designed to give an overview of the college search and application process, resources and information on how you can support your student throughout high school. The course will give parents an understanding of college-related terms and procedures, as well as how the process works for District 214 students. We hope this fosters college planning conversations amongst your family and friends.

Please use this course as an introduction to the world of college. We highly recommend you use this as a supplement to our many college counseling programs. Dates and information on upcoming events can be found on the College Resources section of your school's website.

D214 has six Postsecondary Counselors: 

If you have any questions or need help, please feel free to contact us via e-mail.