Beyond Buffalo Grove High School
Welcome to the Bison College and Career Website!
Welcome to the Bison College and Career Website!
Buffalo Grove High School CEEB Code 140-447
Buffalo Grove High School CEEB Code 140-447
Post High School Options
Post High School Options
This section details information on four paths of continuing education after Buffalo Grove High School including Four Year College, Harper College, Union Apprenticeships & Certificate Programs and Military.
This section details information on four paths of continuing education after Buffalo Grove High School including Four Year College, Harper College, Union Apprenticeships & Certificate Programs and Military.
What Path Will YOU Take?
What Path Will YOU Take?
Your path begins junior year. Visit this page for helpful tips and resources on where to start!
Your path begins junior year. Visit this page for helpful tips and resources on where to start!
To Do List
To Do List
This section includes information and resources for each step of the college application process students will encounter during the fall of senior year.
This section includes information and resources for each step of the college application process students will encounter during the fall of senior year.
How Will You Pay For College?
How Will You Pay For College?
This section offers scholarship and financial aid assistance as well as information on the return on the investment of college expenses.
This section offers scholarship and financial aid assistance as well as information on the return on the investment of college expenses.