• Why are you not accepting physical photos, discs, or email versions?
    • This year to make it easier for the creators of the memory video, we are putting them all in one spot for easy access.
  • My image won't upload.
    • Try checking to make sure your image is in JPEG, PNG, or GIF.
    • If it is in one of those formats, it may be above the limit for uploads. Please fill out the form below for help.
  • My video is too large.
    • Please try to shorten the video, or turn it into a zip file.
  • I don't have a google account.
    • If you absolutely do not have a google account, ask your student to use their login for your uploads.
  • I only have a physical copy of the picture.
    • You can scan and download photos or take a picture of the photo on your camera phone. (If you are taking a picture, do not use flash and be aware of glares)
  • Any other questions or concerns, please fill in the form at the bottom of this page.
    • The responses from this form will only be monitored twice weekly. Please give time for a response to your concerns/issues.