Mrs. Horwath

Mrs. Megan Horwath


WEE Kids Room 6

Daily Schedule Monday-Thursday

                           9:10-9:20 Arrival

                               9:20-9:50 Sign-In & Small Group Activities 

                               9:50-10:25 Playground or MPR

                               10:25-10:35 Large Group Time

                               10:35-11:40 Interest Areas & Clean Up

                               11:40-11:50 Large Group Time (Story & Music)

                                11:50-11:55 Pack Up & Departure

*Gym Days - Gross Motor will be indoors in the event of active precipitation

 or temps below 25 or above 90.

Daily Schedule Friday

                                   9:35-10:00 Arrival/Small Group Activities

                                   10:00-10:30  Gross Motor (Playground or Gym)

                                    10:30-10:40  Large Group 

                                    10:40-11:40 Interest Areas & Clean Up

                                     11:45-11:50 Large Group Time 

                                     11:45-11:50 Departure

                                                             *Gym Days - Gross Motor will be indoors in the event of 

                                                                  active precipitation or temps below 25 or above 90.