Additional Resources

What is the 8th grade grading policy?

Similar to previous years, quarterly grades in each class will be divided into the 3 categories of practice, application, and assessment.  However, this year the category weights will be consistent among all 3 grade levels.  Below describes these categories and their weights. 

20% = Practice Practice reinforces presented material and helps student development of skills, strategies, and understanding of concepts.  Since mastery is not expected, this work is considered PRACTICE, this only constitutes 5% of the overall quarterly grade. 

30% = Application Application demonstrates student use of content knowledge and understanding of concepts. Application grades constitute 35% of the overall quarterly grade.

50% = Assessment  Assessment measures student proficiency of learned concepts. This category is a reflection of a student’s mastery in content material.  Items in this category may include major projects/papers, tests and quizzes. Assessment grades constitute 60% of the overall quarterly grade.

Extra Credit (or bonus) opportunities MAY be offered throughout the quarter. Extra Credit is the completion of a classroom extension that provides enrichment to current course of study.  The value of these assignments will not exceed 3% of the quarterly grade. Extra credit is NOT offered as a means for raising a student’s failing grade. 

Missing assignments:  Will be marked in Power School with the missing flag and a numerical score equivilant to 50% of the original points.  All missing work must be turned in during the unit of study for each class.  No missing work will be accepted past the final summative assessment for the unit of study.  After the unit has been completed, all missing indicators will be removed from PowerSchool and replaced with an incomplete flag, indicating it can no longer be completed for credit.

Late Work: All work should be turned in on time.  Any work that is turned in late must be turned in within the unit of study in each class (See Missing Assignments above).  Penalties may be attributed to late work at teacher discretion.  If a student is absent, an assignment will not be marked late until after the make-up period has elapsed. 


What is 10th Hour?

10th hour is an after school program that meets on Tuesdays from 3:15 – 4:45. The late bus is available to transport students home after this time.  10th hour provides a quiet, structured time to be used to work on make-up assignments or to receive additional help for specific classes.

Students will be asked to attend if they have a current GPA of 1.7 or below, or if s/he has 3 or more missing assignments in a single academic subject.  We will contact parents with the dates we would like your child to attend.

If parents would like their child to attend 10th hour at any time during the year, please contact the team in writing and let us know the date(s) you would like them to attend. 

10th Hour Contact Person: Ms. Medic

How can I check my child's grades?

Grades are always available in real time on PowerSchool.  You should have been provided with a login name and password for the parent portal.  If you feel that you have not received this information, or if you are having trouble accessing your account, please contact the WMS office for support at (847)526-2122.  

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