Meet the Counselor 

Hi! My name is Sara Tusler, school counselor at Martinez. I have been a school counselor since 2009 when I graduated from UCCS with my masters degree in counseling. Before that I attended Colorado State University where I received my degree in Social Work. I love being a school counselor and helping students figure out what success looks like for them. I have worked in High School, Middle School and Elementary School. I especially love working with elementary students because it is fun, exciting, and every day is different. I love celebrating with students and sitting side by side with students during the difficult times. 

When I'm not at school I love being with friends and family. If you've met me in person, chances are you've either met my dog Mac or we have talked about him. I spend a lot of my free time training him and volunteering with The Go Team, Therapy Dogs. 

I'm so excited to be the school counselor at Martinez this year and if we haven't met I hope to see you at Martinez soon! 

With love, 

Sara Tusler

Pictures from around Martinez