Cell Phones / Electronic Devices

Cell Phone Policy

In order to maintain a safe and academically focused environment, cell phones may not be in use on school property.

Upon entering the building cell phones must be turned off and stored in the student’s locker, and may not be visible or in use at any time during, before, or after the school day on school property.

The cell phone/electronic device policy is in effect for all extra-curricular and school-related activities (i.e. after-school sporting events, Bulldog Bashes, Student Council dances, etc.) during which students participate as representatives of the school.

Should a student choose not to follow this rule, the following consequences will take place:

  • First offense: The device will be turned off by the student and then confiscated by a staff member and delivered to the office. The student will then be able to pick this device up at the end of the day.

  • Second offense: The device will be turned off by the student and then confiscated by a staff member and delivered to the office. The front office will then contact a parent/guardian and ask them to come to McClure's office to pick up the device. Please note, after the first offense, the device will not be returned to the student without a parent/guardian being present.

  • Third offense: Phone will need to be picked up by a parent and for all following days before entering the building, the student will be required to turn in the cell phone to the office where it can be picked up at the end of the day.

Should further offenses occur, the student will be given a referral and consequences will be determined by building administrators.

Smart Watches / Tablets

Many students come to McClure wearing a smart watch, or they bring a tablet to use as an eReader. While these are great tools that can be very helpful in a variety of ways, if a student is found to be using their device inappropriately (texting, listening to music, using social media, etc.) the same consequences outlined above will be applied.

Getting Messages to Students

To help support our policy regarding cell phones and smart watches we ask that if parents/guardians need to get an urgent message to their child, they should contact the front office. Ms. Rotolo and Ms. Fuhr will make sure that the message is passed along to the student. Following this procedure will limit the temptation that a student will feel to check their phones during the school day.

On behalf of the office, if your child texts you that they need to be picked up, please contact the office to ensure that staff is aware that a child will be leaving before you arrive. This will help us do our job to ensure that your child is accounted for. We would then appreciate you having a conversation with your child advising them to come down to the office, check in with staff, and use McClure's phones to contact you.

Graphing Calculator Policy

Graphing calculators are an essential and required tool for mathematical learning. These calculators need to be used appropriately both in and out of the math classroom. In general, calculator usage for non-academic purposes is prohibited. Inappropriate use of calculators will be treated as an infraction of our electronic device policy. This means that calculators may be confiscated by school personnel and held in the Main Office until picked up by a parent. Additionally, graphing calculators will be used on portions of math assessments, and students may be asked at any time to clear calculator memory prior to the start of an assessment.