Sexual Harassament

It is the policy of the Western Springs Public Schools to maintain a learning environment that is free from sexual harassment. It shall be a violation of this policy for students to harass other students through conduct or communications of a sexual nature. Sexual harassment shall consist of unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favor, and other inappropriate verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature made by any student to another student. Sexual harassment may include, but is not limited to the following:

  • verbally harassing or abusing another including name calling.

  • spreading rumors, jokes.

  • unwelcomingly touching, physically gesturing and/or pulling at another’s clothing.

  • pressuring another for sexual activity.

  • suggesting or demanding sexual involvement accompanied by implied or explicit threats.


Any person who alleges sexual harassment by a student should take the complaint directly to the principal. Where reasonable, it is preferred that the complaint be in the form of a written statement.

  • The principal shall notify parents of students involved.

  • The principal shall file a written report of each complaint with the Superintendent within five (5) working days of receiving the complaint. The report shall include the following:

    • the date of receipt of the complaint.

    • identification of the alleging party.

    • identification of the person(s) charged and all relevant background, facts and circumstances.

Upon receipt of said complaint the Superintendent shall send written notice to the Board of Education President. Within twenty (20) calendar days of receiving the complaint, the Superintendent shall inform all parties in writing of the results of the investigation and any action to be taken. The Superintendent's decision may be appealed to the Board of Education.

A substantiated charge against a student shall subject that student to disciplinary action including suspension or expulsion consistent with the student discipline code.

Notice of this policy shall be incorporated in student, parent and teacher handbooks and be distributed on an annual basis. As appropriate, the district shall provide education to students on the nature and prevention of sexual harassment.