Etiquette for Athletic Events


  1. All spectators are asked to follow rules of good sportsmanship. We reserve the right to remove anyone from the gym for poor sportsmanship.

      • Gum, food and drink are not allowed in the gymnasium.

      • Booing, loud whistling, and pounding on the stands are not allowed.

      • Objects may not be thrown onto the playing floor.

      • Students must remain quiet during free throws.

      • Students must keep off the playing floor at all times.

  2. McClure students are encouraged to sit downstairs and leave the balcony for late arrivals.

  3. The gym will be opened at 3:45 p.m. for spectators. Students may leave the building to take books home and then return to school.

  4. Students who are ineligible to attend after-school events may not attend games. An adult must accompany small children.

  5. The upstairs hallway, the first floor North hallway, and the hallway beyond Room 103 are off-limits. The balcony door is to be used only in an emergency. All locker rooms are off-limits to spectators.

  6. A washroom is available near the main office.

  7. Refreshments will sometimes be sold during half times and between games in the foyer. No food or drinks may leave the foyer area.

  8. Students who need to be picked up after the games should make arrangements for rides ahead of time.

  9. Cheerleaders may not leave the building before or after games without permission from the supervisor.

  10. Students who have not been in attendance during the school day may not attend an extra-curricular event on that day.