Dress Code

In accordance with Board Policy #5090 (Dress and Conduct), a District 101 student’s appearance, including dress and grooming, should be consistent with other expectations held for Western Springs students in a public setting. These expectations include promoting the educational process, maintaining a positive learning/teaching climate, and meeting/exceeding reasonable standards of health, safety, and decency. The following guidelines regarding student dress are in effect district-wide for all curricular and co-curricular activities. These guidelines have been established to provide a clear understanding of dress code expectations, and final interpretation of the guidelines will be at the discretion of building administration:

    1. Clothing that promotes drugs, alcohol, tobacco, or gangs will not be worn on district property at any time, including accessories such as shoes, jewelry, belts, etc.

    2. Clothing and accessories that feature vulgar, obscene, lewd, violent, or offensive language or images may not be worn on district property at any time.

    3. Clothing must cover the majority of a student's shoulders and also extend in length to a student's mid-thigh. A student’s midriff should not be visible at any time.

    4. Undergarments/underwear must be covered and cannot be worn as outerwear.

    5. Transparent items or other clothing considered too revealing are prohibited.

    6. Hats or head coverings of any kind may not be worn inside the school building (except for those from established religious groups, those necessary for personal health reasons, and/or those for established school spirit days).

    7. Shoes must be worn at all times.

Students wearing inappropriate clothing and/or accessories will be asked to change. If needed, parents will be contacted to bring a change of clothes.