Detention / Suspension


Detention is held after school in the LLC from 3:20-4:10 and will be supervised by a staff member.  Any student receiving a detention will be prohibited from participating in and attending any school-related activity that day/evening.  Detentions may be issued for behavioral referrals, excessive tardiness to class (three (3) tardies to the same class in any one quarter), or a third unexcused tardy to school.  When a detention is issued, parents will be notified so that transportation home can be arranged.

This time is aimed at helping students reflect upon their actions by recognizing the impact of their behavior on others and themselves, identifying better choices they could have made, and by making a plan for future success should they face a similar situation again. To help them develop this understanding, students will spend time completing a reflection form and will review it with the supervisor.  Once they are finished, students will not be able to work on homework or be on technology.

Any student who has received three (3) behavioral discipline referrals in twenty (20) school days or has been suspended will be ineligible.  Parents will receive copies of all referrals or suspensions.  It will be the responsibility of the student to improve attitude and behavior in school.  Any student who does not receive any additional referrals or suspensions for twenty (20) school days will regain eligibility.  If a student receives a referral while ineligible, the twenty (20) day ineligibility begins anew from the date of the latest referral.


In-School Suspension

In the case of a more serious or repeated infraction, a student may be assigned to in-school suspension.  During an in-school suspension, a student is required to do any/all of the classwork that he/she is missing while suspended, including tests/quizzes.  All work completed as a result of in-school suspension will be fully credited by the individual teachers.

Any student who has received three (3) behavioral discipline referrals in twenty (20) school days or who has been suspended will be ineligible to attend any out of school events.  Parents will receive copies of all referrals or suspensions.  It will be the responsibility of the student to improve attitude and behavior in school.  Any student who does not receive any additional referrals or suspensions for twenty (20) school days will regain eligibility.  If a student receives a referral while ineligible, the twenty (20) day ineligibility begins anew from the date of the latest referral.

Out-of-School Suspension

On rare occasions, it is necessary to suspend students out of school.  Students will be responsible to make up and complete any classwork missed as a result an out-of-school suspension. 

Any student who has received three (3) behavioral discipline referrals in twenty (20) school days or who has been suspended will be ineligible to attend any out of school events.  Parents will receive copies of all referrals or suspensions.  It will be the responsibility of the student to improve attitude and behavior in school.  Any student who does not receive any additional referrals or suspensions for twenty (20) school days will regain eligibility.  If a student receives a referral while ineligible, the twenty (20) day ineligibility begins anew from the date of the latest referral.

Discipline Ineligibility

Any student who has received three (3) behavioral discipline referrals in twenty (20) school days or who has been suspended will be ineligible to attend any out of school events.  Parents will receive copies of all referrals or suspensions.  It will be the responsibility of the student to improve attitude and behavior in school.  Any student who does not receive any additional referrals or suspensions for twenty (20) school days will regain eligibility.  If a student receives a referral while ineligible, the twenty (20) day ineligibility begins anew from the date of the latest referral.


Every McClure student will be expected to conform to behavior and academic standards in order to participate in sports, clubs and special activities.  Students may try out for sports while they are ineligible, but not while they are suspended.  Students who become ineligible during a season or in preparation for a performance are expected to attend all practices; however, they may not participate in practice, games or any other performance until they have regained eligibility.  If any student remains ineligible for longer than a twenty (20) school day period, they may be dropped from the sport or activity.  Any student who is suspended from school may not practice or participate in any sport, activity or program until the suspension is completed and eligibility has been regained.

Please note: Band and orchestra are viewed by the district as academic classes. As a result, academic eligibility does not impact a student’s ability to attend sectional classes, rehearsals, or performances. However, participation in elective musical opportunities including, but not limited to, Jazz Band, Pep Band, and Chamber Orchestra are not considered academic classes; therefore, eligibility standards do apply.


All special events are viewed as student privileges and in order to participate, students are expected to be currently eligible and to display appropriate conduct.  Any student who is ineligible may not attend extra-curricular events or parties.  Students who are on discipline ineligibility may not attend assemblies or field trips.  Students with behavior problems may warrant exclusion.


The following activities require eligibility for participation: All athletic teams, Student Council, Bulldog Buddies, Art Club, Interscholastic Sports, Cheerleading, Dance Team, Intramurals, Speech & Drama, Bulldog Bark, Yearbook,  Musical, Encore, all Choral Groups, Elective Band and Orchestra Opportunities, School Dances, and any other school-sponsored activities as determined by building administration.