
The lunch period at McClure is a closed campus.  Students may leave the building for lunch at home only with written permission turned into the office in advance.  A parent would have to pick the child up from school if the student will be eating lunch at home.

There are three lunch periods at McClure (see daily bell schedule).  Seat assignments are selected by student choice and are subject to change by supervisors.

Milk is available at a minimal cost, and water and Powerade is available from the vending machines, as well as healthy snacks. Should a student forget their lunch, it is their responsibility to check in the office at the beginning of lunch; the office will not call to interrupt class to announce lunches for pick-up.

FOOD ALLERGY PROCEDURES - revised August 2016

To maintain the safety of all of our students, please review the Food Allergy Procedures.

DAILY ROUTINE - Students come to the lunchroom and sit at their tables.  The supervisors will then dismiss the students by table number to purchase milk. Students are asked to not bring denominations larger than dollar bills.  Students will be dismissed at the conclusion of the period by table.  Only tables that are clean and quiet will be dismissed.

LUNCHROOM RULES - All rules of acceptable behavior apply to the lunchroom.  Students are to be on time for lunch and keep their voices at a conversational level.  Students are not to bring any glass containers and are not to solicit money or food from others.  There is no throwing of anything in the cafeteria.  Students are to remain seated while eating and may not take food or drink into the washrooms.  Use of the washrooms and drinking fountain is permitted during "lights on."  Birthday celebrations, singing, party hats, balloons, etc. are not allowed.  Students are not to bring food for other members of their table or any other table; no sharing of food is allowed.  Students should not exit the cafeteria with food or drink.  Failure to follow lunchroom rules will result in the completion of a lunch processing sheet, and the following consequences:

Cafeteria expectations