Grading Scale & Reteaching / Reassessment Policy


90-100% = A                                        

89% = B+

81 -   88% = B                                                

80% = B-                                               

79% = C+

71-78% = C

70% = C-

69% = D+

61-68% = D

60% = D-

Below 60% = F             

Please see the D101 Reteaching and Assessment Handbook for further details.

D101 Re-Teaching & Assessment Handbook

Reteaching Policy

Teachers at McClure understand that students learn at their own pace, and our assessment of their learning should reflect this reality. If a student requires additional practice or instruction around a skill, they can meet with their teacher in an individual or small group setting to receive extra assistance. This is always most effective when done during the course of a unit of learning.  Meeting times (10th period, Early Bird, etc.) may be initiated by students or teachers when extra assistance is needed.

Reassessment Policy

The goal of reassessment is to provide students with an additional opportunity to demonstrate their learning.  In order to promote the skills of planning and prioritization, reassessment is done within a limited time frame following the return of a summative assessment to students.

The purpose of the limited time frame is to reduce the stressful periods where students are attempting to attend to two units of information at the same time. When students have already shown mastery (i.e. earned an A) in a unit of learning, reassessment is not necessary and will not be granted.  

The teacher’s role in reteaching and reassessment will focus more heavily on students who need reteaching through direct instruction.  In the event that a student has achieved proficiency but wishes to demonstrate deeper learning, it will be the student’s responsibility to take the lead in the process outlined above.

The chart below outlines the guidelines for entering the reassessment process.

2023 - 2024 Summative Retake Practices for Students

Overview of the Reassessment process

Summative Retake Assessment

Retake Form

In order to be eligible for a retake, students need to complete this form, in addition to any other requirements outlined by their teacher. 

Parents/Guardians need to sign the form showing that the student has shared with them their intent to initiate a summative reassessment.