2399 Assistant Costume

TH 2399

Production Practicum II

Assistant Costume Designer

Caitlin Quinn

Office: MPAC 142

Phone: 218-726-8098

Email: ccquinn@d.umn.edu

Job description:

Assistant Costume Designer: Assist the costume designer in researching, sourcing, and fitting costumes for a production. Attend all production meetings and dress rehearsals. Train dressers how to perform quick changes as necessary.


Student will be given a set of due dates which you must adhere to. Each item is due to Caitlin on a Monday and presented at the production meeting on Tuesday. It is essential that the assistant designer adheres to these dates.

Duties of the assistant designer:

  • Contribute to research

  • Contribute to Costume Plot

  • Create Pull/Buy/Build List

  • Contribute to Source list

  • Create check in sheets

  • Quick change lists as needed

  • Attend all fittings and take fitting notes

The assistant costume designer is responsible for pulling the costumes and accessories in coordination with the designer. The costume designer is expected to help with finishing of the costumes (dye, craftwork, embellishments, etc) and may be given a construction project.

Dress Rehearsals and Performances:

  • Assistant Costume Designer must attend all dress rehearsals and any Quick Change rehearsals scheduled during tech week.

  • The assistant costume designers will take notes on the costumes during the run, UNLESS the assistant costume designer is also serving as wardrobe head.


  • Attend strike and help with laundry and organization


The final grade is determined by the faculty mentor. You will meet with the faculty mentor to discuss how the show went and areas for improvement. Notes from the rest of the production team are given at this time.

Upon completion of this form with your advisor you may ask for a permission to register for 2399, 3399 or 4399