


Life is


30 Plays in 60 Minutes Part 2: Electric Boogaloo

Cast & Creative Team

Molly Fabian

Dennon LaPalm

Emerson Spencer

Lou Divine

Addilyn Green

Tanner Dorschner

Sam LaBounty

Celeste Lee

Tyler Thomas

Shea Callaghan

Jordan Fields

Cast Bios

Shea Callaghan (she/they)

Hi there! I am a Junior BFA Acting student at UMD. I consider myself an actor, a writer, a director, a collaborator and so much more. I am honored to get the chance to lead a production of “30 Plays in 60 Minutes” for the second year in a row! The opportunity to work alongside this ragtag bunch will be one I’ll never forget!

Other credits include: TBD: 30 Plays in 60 Minutes (Stage 2), Cross it Off: A Stage 2 Cabaret, Adding Machine (Stage 2), The Rocky Horror Picture Show (Zenith City Horror) and The Diary of Anne Frank (The Duluth Playhouse). 

Lou Divine (they/them)

Hello! I am a senior Theatre BA here at UMD, and this is the fifth "30 in 60" production I have gotten to be a part of. This style of theatre enlivens me as a creator, because it stretches beyond the limitations of conventional plays. The process has been a crazy, creative, laughter-filled whirlwind, and I am so grateful for this cast and their willingness to be wacky. I am thrilled that we get to share our work with you!

Tanner Dorschner  (he/him)

As a spontaneous individual that loves jumping into unknown scenarios and bullshitting my way to greatness, my two best friends Graham and Nate often ask me “what the hell is your plan here?” They tend to get a response that’s something along the lines of: “I don’t know, I’m making this up as I go along”. Suffice to say, I was more than happy to spend the last month with these wonderful people doing what I do best - - making shit up as I go along. Stay groovy.

Jordan Fields (she/they)

Hi! I’m a sophomore Theatre BA with a dance minor. While I’ve been a part of other productions behind the scenes here at UMD, this will be my first time actually performing here. I’ve had a blast working with my fantastic castmates, and it has been so fun creating such an unconventional show that has pushed me to expand my horizons as an actor. I’m excited for you to see the fruits of our labor!

Molly Fabian (she/her)

Hi there, I'm Molly, a first-year BFA Acting student here at UMD, and this will be my first production with UMDTAD! As the title suggests, this show goes beyond all logic, and it has certainly encouraged me, both personally and theatrically, to go beyond what I thought possible. I want to thank every person who worked to put this show on its feet, but a special thank you to all my cast mates: Thank you for your work, and thank you for fostering an environment of trust, communication, silliness, and camaraderie. You all are so amazing, don't forget it :)

Addilyn Green (she/they)

Hi! I’m a sophomore Art Education BFA here at UMD, and I’m also working on my Creative Writing Certificate. This is my second time working with the theater department here at UMD as well as the second time doing a show like this, and I’ve had a blast working with these crazy people I call my friends. I’ve immersed myself in the arts here in a number of ways, but creating scenes with my castmates has been one of my favorites so far. One of my favorite scenes would have to be a tie between “Space Racism” and “A Brief Criticism on the Deepest Desires of Humanity.” 

Sam LaBounty (he/him)

I’m a freshmen theater major here at UMD and this is my first show I’ve gotten to work on here. I’ve always been a goofy guy and now I’ve met a group of fellow goofy guys, gals, and they/them pals. I always love working with new people and especially fellow goofy people. This show has been an absolute blast to work on and has birthed some crazy characters that have stepped beyond even this plane of existence…

Dennon LaPalm (he/him)

An undeclared, yet undeterred, freshman at UMD I’m looking to stretch my creative mind in every way imaginable. So naturally I enjoy the realm of theater and its vibrant community. Not only have I been able to get valuable feedback and experiences with writing and performing, but I’ve also been able to work with fantastic minds that inspire me everyday. Whether it’s a thought provoking piece about our own inner turmoil or a cleverly crafted comedy, these artists can do it all! I hope that this show stretches your mind the same way it has mine. 

Celeste Lee (she/her)

Hi! I am a first year transfer theater student here at UMD. This process has been absolutely incredible. Every part of it has shown me how amazing it is to work alongside other creative minds. To be able to create ideas from seemingly nothing and make a coherent story out of it. It’s been a privilege to get to work with such amazing people and to have such freedom to write, direct, devise, collaborate, and  create this chaotically organized  show for you all. Thank you to all my amazing friends. Enjoy the show. - Curtain. 

Tyler Thomas (he/him)

I am a Theatre B.A. freshman here at UMD, this is my first production I have been  a part of and am very interested in how it turned out. I loved being around all these amazing people for the month and seeing how much creativity they could all produce. This is my first time doing a show of this style which brought some challenges but overall I find it to be loads of fun. I can’t wait for everyone to watch the show, I loved making it and I hope everyone loves watching it just as much.

Emerson Spencer (he/him)

Hi! I am a Freshman and this is my UMD debut. I am a BFA Acting student. I am very excited to perform here for the first time. I will be appearing again here later this semester in The Fall:A New Musical, make sure not to miss that. In the past I have appeared in shows outside of UMD such as “The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee”, “The Unusual Suspects” “High School Musical” “The World According to Snoopy” and "Newsies”.


Special thanks to our lighting board operator Jacob Steen, and our faculty advisor Lauren Roth!

Content Warning - This show contains a lot of crude and sexual humor. There is audience participation. There is also a depiction of an angry and misleading hallucination.

UMD Land Acknowledgment - The University of Minnesota Duluth is located on the traditional, ancestral, and contemporary lands of Indigenous people. The University resides on land that was cared for and called home by the Ojibwe people, before them the Dakota and Northern Cheyenne people, and other Native peoples from time immemorial. Ceded by the Ojibwe in an 1854 treaty, this land holds great historical, spiritual, and personal significance for its original stewards, the Native nations and peoples of this region. 

Director's Note

Though Lou Divine and Shea Callaghan decided not to assume the role of "director" for the show, here is their take on the process from rehearsal to performance:

Shea Callaghan: This show serves as a fun little slice of escapism; where college students can be themselves, and tell the stories they want to tell. What better format than one that lets the audience "choose their own adventure"?! 

Assuming the position of "lead collaborator" rather than "director" emphasizes the nature of this show. There is no voice more important than another's when the show is built off of mutual collaboration. Lou and I got the ball rolling, and worked towards getting the creative juices flowing in the rehearsal room. In other words, we pitched the ball, and the cast hit a home run! 

Get ready for an hour of chaotic fun like you've never had before! You'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll experience existential dread! You may even be pulled onstage to join the fun! 


Lou Divine: This style of show is unlike any other. We offered this idea to the Lab Series because we know how powerful it is to allow a group of students to create whatever they want. The mix of bizarre humor and heartfelt stories is unique to this show and we are grateful to get to share it with you. We encourage you to embrace the overwhelming nature of what you are experiencing tonight, and expand your idea of the possibilities of theatre. Thank you all for joining us. :)

Scene List

UMD Theatre's Lab Series

The UMD Theatre Lab Series offers a platform for student artists to conceptualize and innovate theatrical opportunities in various stages of realization. Artists are challenged to step into new roles, go outside of their comfort zones, and commit to a process of learning through creative risk-taking. The Lab Series serves as an extension of the artist’s creative training and development, with the intention of cultivating opportunities for collaboration, discovery, and learning through doing. 

Thank you for joining us in this inaugural season!